Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


They can't do anything to me, right? I'm a vampire now.. I can't be compelled. Besides, there's really no reason why they should be freaking out over a simple scream so much... These boys are so overprotective. I can take care of myself now.

Harry waves his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Allison," his smooth voice makes my eyes snap to his. "Sorry I just spaced out. Really, there's no reason to worry about a scream. I just saw a spider." The lie slides off my tongue with ease.

"I really think that you're lying," Niall says.

"Well I'm not."

Niall glances over to Harry and they exchange glances. Suddenly, Niall grabs my hand softly, yet forcefully. Harry steps in front of me, and we are just inches apart. Niall is just off my left shoulder. "Allison, you need to be completely honest with us right now," Harry says in a demanding voice.

His eyes start to get more and more interesting to me. The green with flecks of what looks like brown or some other color. I just get more and more lost in them. Everything about them just entrances me.

I can hear the two talking to me, but I pay no attention to their words. All I care about is Harry's eyes. The world could be falling down around me and I wouldn't care. Then, he blinks. I look around and feel so drowsy. "Yeah," my voice is groggy and slow.

"So, anything that you would like to tell us," Harry asks. My mouth opens before my mind can catch up. "Well when I woke up, I saw you shirtless and I didn't remember last night... so I assumed that we did the deed you know." Niall's eyes widened and he looked at Harry. Harry looked back at him. "What? I sleep without a shirt on, is that so wrong? Also," he looked at me, "we didn't do 'the deed'. You fell asleep while we were talking so I just laid in bed with you."

A breath of relief escapes my throat. Thank goodness. I will not be having any type of sexual relations with any of the boys until my body is ready. "Okay, I was worried." A smile spreads across my face. "Now, out! I need to take a shower." The boys grudgingly leave and I step into my bathroom.

I take my t-shirt and pajama shorts off and turn on the water. Sitting on the side of the tub, I  wait for the water to heat up. It heats up very quickly and I step in and instantly my body relaxes. The warm water wets my hair and the rest of my body. It feels so human to take a shower. I never realized how different things are now. I don't need human food anymore, I feed off of humans and animals. There's no way that I'll ever be able to feed off of another human. That's too personal plus, what if I know that human!

My shower goes by a lot faster than I thought it would and before I know it, I'm already dressed in light wash jeans and a flannel. Then, I make my way downstairs to see what everyone else is up to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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