Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Should I tell Harry? What happened to me was terrible.. so terrible. Sometimes I even wake up with nightmares, screaming and crying. It's scarred me and I can't look at the world the same anymore. It's a scary, dangerous place.

I look at Harry and memories fill my mind of the fateful encounter two years ago.


It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Birds were singing and children's laughs could be heard in every park around town.

I was walking my usual route home from the shops, before deciding to take a shortcut. "Hey baby, you going somewhere?" A sleazy voice asks from the shadows. I spin around, my heart racing. My eyes scan the area and land on a man around age forty. He had greasy black hair and empty blue eyes.  "Come with me," He said. I start backing up slowly, "No". Anger flashes behind his eyes and before I can react he grabs me. I try to scream for help but his sweaty hand covers my mouth. "Up for a little fun?" His breath smells. I'm taken to his flat a few feet from the alley. My fists are flying as I try to break free from his grip.

He locks the door behind us and pushes me to the bedroom.

All of my clothes are taken off and I am forced to do things I would never do. He beats me and  keeps forcing himself into me.

Eventually he stops and falls asleep, passed out drunk. I make my escape, but never tell the police. My mind is scarred with the burning memories. Why was I so stupid to ever take such a shortcut!?

Harry listens to me as I tell him all that happened. He doesn't say a word until I'm completely finished, then engulfs me in a hug. "I am so, so sorry." Tears are streaming down my face and all I can do is sob. "We will never force you to do anything like that until you are 100% sure," Harry promises. "I love you." It escapes my lips in a whisper, but Harry hears it. "I love you more than you will ever imagine."

I look at his eyes and my head clears of all thoughts. All I can do is stare at his green, green eyes. "Your eyes, they are so beautiful. All I want to do is look at them, and do whatever you say." The last part slips out of my mouth before I can catch it. Harry is silent, all he does is look away and I snap to attention. We sit in a silence that is almost awkward.

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