Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


I open my eyes and see the morning sunlight streaming through the window. Getting out of bed, I pad over to the window and open it, taking in the scenery. Turning around, I see Harry laying in bed, shirtless. Fear bubbles up in me and I scream before I can make a logical assumption. Harry is up in an instant, as well as the other boys, who are in there within two seconds. I'm panting, and my chest feels tight. "What is it?" Niall and Liam ask in unison. "I.. I just stubbed my toe on the dresser and it uh scared me," I lie. Honestly, I thought Harry and I had slept together.

Niall crosses the room in a few footsteps and is standing before me. He reaches and cups my chin. I pull away and back up a few steps. "Trying to distract me to get inside my head?" My tone is accusing and sharp. Feeling a pinch in my mind, I know Liam has invaded. My mind drifts to the thoughts of deer in the woods and flower patches to distract him from the truth.

"You guys go, I'll talk to her," Niall turns and says to the others. They leave, Harry hanging back for a second to look at me. "I'm not lying," I tell him crossing my arms. I sit on my bed, and Niall sits opposite to me. "You specifically asked if we were trying to distract you, and your body language says that you're lying," Niall tells me with a smirk growing on his face. I huff and roll my eyes. "I bet Harry and I could definitely get an answer out of you. I lean back against my pillow and don't say anything. "Harry," Niall calls out.

Harry enters the room and sits on the bed with us. "What is it? Did you get the answer out of her?" Niall shakes his head. "No, absolutely nothing." Harry looks at me,


"Well what?"

"Are you going to tell us the easy way or the hard way?" My eyes widen in surprise, but my mouth doesn't form any words. "Hard way it is," Niall laughs. "Plan A?" I glare at them in a mixture of confusion and anger. "You have plans," I ask. "It won't work anyway, I have no intention of being compelled. You can't do it to me anyway," I bluff.  

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