I only feel happy when I am around Freddy

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Beep beep beep beep, an alarm suddenly wakes me up. Ugh, another day already..... I listen to the alarm over and over with my eyes still closed, I don't wanna get up. I open one eye looking at my phone, hmmm it's 4:30 already. I work third shift as the Freddy's PizzaPlex. 12 hour shifts aren't the best but they pay the bills, plus I get to see Freddy. I know, he's a robot and I can never be with him how I want to be. But why do I feel the need to save myself for him.... I'm so lonely but when I go to work I only feel happy when I'm around him. I let out a long sigh before grabbing my phone and shutting the alarm off. I look over to my left to see my jeans hanging on my desk chair, the belt loosely hanging onto the straps. I walk over to my dresser grabbing a fresh pair of underwear, briefs of course, I love the way they hug me. To the left of my underwear drawer I find my socks. Considering I work 12 hour shifts I buy only the softest socks to keep my feet comfortable. I grab a pair and throw them on the bed before opening my closet. I pan the small closet seeing the sad display of 2-3 outfits being drowned out by my work uniforms. It's weird, I can't remember the last time I was off work and happy..... I- I only feel happy when I am around Freddy.

Daydreaming I finally come too, only to realize I must have gone into autopilot as I was already dressed and ready to leave for work. Hmmm I'm starting to lose my time. I look down at my right hand, my keys seem heavier today. I smile at my Freddy Fazbear keychain before selecting my house key. I walk out my front door grabbing at each one of my pockets making sure I am not missing anything. Phone, badge, chapstick, charger, yeah I'm good. I stick the key in the door twisting it to lock before heading to my car. Alright Jasper, just another 12 hours to get through. Atleast you get to see him.

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