I love you too superstar

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Trigger warning Jasper mentions his trauma in this part of the story. If things such as that bother you it's best to skip this chapter. Remember you are loved.
"Okay, once you unlock the door and do your code thing you have to close your eyes." He says his eyes getting slightly brighter. Man he must be really excited about this surprise.

"Okay, I promise I won't look at all" I say nodding my head before walking over to his door and entering the same code as the other. I grip my bag tightly as I close my eyes. "Okay, I'm rea- whoaaa" he picks me up, I can hear his ears wiggle. I start to blush, god damn I hate the blushing.

"Hehe you okay there" he says as he begins to walk to the back of the room.

"Yeah I just want expecting that" I hear the door open as he sets me down.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now" I open my eyes looking around, I can see a small Christmas tree in the corner with a few things under it. The room decorated beautifully, I look up and see him dangling mistletoe above me, I can't help but blush.

"Wowwwwww..... it's so pretty."

"I know you know what the mistletoe means Jasper" he says a little annoyed. Hehehe I don't know why but I liked his annoyed tone. He leans down to me as I give him a little kiss on the cheek. "Good boy" my eyes widen as the words good boy radiate through me, oh god y-yeah I'm your good boy.... I blush softly as he leans back up. I look up at him smiling softly.

"Thank you, this is a really awesome surprise." I hug his cold metal exterior. "Okay now for my surprise, but." I pull the ring out of the bag, "you have to put this on first" his eyes widen at the sight of the ring.

"That's not a problem" he says reaching for the ring before putting it on. I watch as he transforms once again. He immediately embraces me with his big soft arms burry my face in his chest. He pulls away with the mistletoe dangling over head again. "Hehe how about a real one now" he smiles blushing softly. I can't help but smile at how cute his little smirk and blush are. My thoughts are interrupted by him picking me up and kissing me right there. He softly places me down. "Okay I'm ready now."

I take a few seconds to get my bearings again my face red. "Okay close your eyes, and uhhh hold your breath for a second" he looks confused but does it anyways. I pull the burger out unwrapping it, causing the smell to fill the room. I hurry and wrap the plastic bag up as I don't want him sniffing out the other part of the surprise just yet. "Okay you can open now, and hurry and breathe I don't wanna lose you" he takes a big breathe and opens his eyes. He immediately starts to drool as his picking up the scent of the burger.

"W-what is that" he says inching closer to the burger with a soft pink blush on his cheeks.

"Go ahead, take it. I want to give you a taste of real food since you have a tongue now" I hear a huge growl erupt from his stomach as he softly takes the burger being careful not to harm me. He raises it up to his mouth, hmmm maybe next time it'll have to get him a bigger burger. His hands are bigger than it. He devours the burger licking his lips after wards.

"You guys do that all the time.... My god that's amazing" he says looking at me. "Thank you, I loved it" he smiles at me rubbing my head.

"I'm glad you liked it !! That's called a burger."

"Hmmm interesting name." He leans down to me nervously, "for my next part of the surprise I have to tell you something" he smirks. Oh god what did he do. "I told Monty about how I confessed my love to you yesterday.... And I ask him to help me gain access to the computer so I can research stuff to act more human." My jaw drops as he tells me this. "Don't worry, I didn't tell him or anyone about the ring, but I know....." he blushes softly looking around the room then back to me. "I know a lot now, I've been researching all day" my face grows red as I begin to think, he probably knows more than me now.... I-is that why he called me a good boy.... Oh god.

"Wow that is some surprise Freddy." I say surprised.

"All to make you happy superstar" he says patting my head softly before walking over to the tree that is sitting infront of his charging station. "Oh yeah and I know you don't actually charge now, it's called sleep" he chuckles softly before sitting down by the tree. He looks at a pillow and a blanket on the floor next to him before patting it. "Come sit by me" he says smiling, "I have a couple of gifts for you"

"You didn't have too, I really appreciate it though." I smile at him as I walk over sitting besides him. His soft fur rubbing against me. He leans down kissing my forehead before grabbing a gift.

"Of course I did, I wanted to make you happy" he hands me a new Glamrock Freddy Plush. "I couldn't wrap anything, you know big metal paws" he says blushing, I stare at the plushy smiling. "I remember when you got yours a couple months ago so I wanted to give you a new one. That way you can always cuddle with me"

"T-thank you" I nuzzle against his arm holding the plush close to my chest. "It's perfect" he hands me a paper filled with a drawing a little kid drew. He smiles before hugging me, "this is the drawing you gave Bonnie years ago" my eyes widen as I look down at it. Oh my god it is.... I start to tear up thinking about how Bonnie helped me as a kid. "He was so happy someone made his a drawing, the first one he ever got. He had to tell me" he embraces me as I begin to cry into his shoulder.

"I miss Bonnie.... I never got to tell him how much he helped me when I was growing up. T-that was the first time anyone was nice to me without expecting anything in return" I continue to cry.

"That's how Bonnie was... he was always putting other before him..... I- I miss him too. Don't worry, he knew.... He could see it in your eyes that you were hurt" he... he did.... Hearing Freddy say that causes my heart to ache as memories of my father beating me begin to rush my head, memories of my mother doing drugs in front of me.... Just watching it happen. I hug Freddy even tighter. He softly picks me up setting me on the makeshift bed he had made before. "You're save now.... Don't worry" he says as he embraces me once again kissing my forehead.

A couple minutes of Freddy just holding me as I cry pass, the comfort of being in his soft warm arms helps calm me down. I whisper "thank you.... I-I love you so much"

"I love you too superstar"

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