He doesnt deserve that

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Separation anxiety is one thing but what I'm feeling right now is on a whole other level. The pain in my chest is accompanied by the burning in my lungs from running my hardest to get back to the office. It's one thing to miss him, but what am I feeling. I don't just miss him it's so much more than that. I can't be with him, I can't be with him the way I want to be with him. I hurt him but I don't mean too. Am I a terrible person..... all I want is to be with the one I love forever but I can't. Tears stream down my face ever harder as I continue to have these thoughts. I remember the pain in his voice and the pain expression he had even once he took the ring off. I don't want him to have to deal with that, I know the hours we spend together are the best of both of our life's. I've never felt this pain in my entire life.

I look down at my watch revealing I have 5 minutes left until Lincoln comes in to relief me. Luckily, I look around seeing the family door leading to the security office, I'm here. I stop in my tracks breathing in and out trying to catch my breathe. The rapid flow of air causing my chest to burn along the aching pain I had from seeing his face like that. Fives minutes, five minutes to get my shit together so Lincoln doesn't see me as a complete mess. I lean down placing my hands on my knees, a little trick I learned from my childhood. Finally my breathes become softer and more relaxed as I feel myself calming down. I lean up slowly and walk towards the office door. I stare at the reflection of myself in the window.

If doors could talk I'm sure this one would call me ugly. I giggle to myself at the idea of the door talking to me. I move my sleeves up to my face wiping the tears away. I push the door open approaching the seat I'm supposed to be sitting in. Leaving work used to never be this hard, now it's not just work anymore.... It feels more like a second home, one with Freddy. I need to stop thinking about this before I start crying again, now that would be really bad. I grab the box of tissues on sitting in the right side of the desk placing them in the center, easy to reach. I grab a few placing them on my face before blowing my nose into them. Good thing Freddy isn't here to see this disgusting sight.

"Allergies getting to you too mate ?" A friendly British accent appears from behind me. I jump slightly turning around.

"Holy fucking shit Lincoln you scared the shit out of me" I say remember the other day when I scared him.

"Hahaha, that's what you get lad. Remember when you thought it was so funny scaring me to bits the other day haha I got you so good and I didn't even have to try." His laughter causes me to laugh, and of course blush a little. It's embarrassing to go from the king of jump scared to being jump scared by someone who wasn't even trying.

"Whatever, you only got me because I'm tried and yes dumb allergies from the Christmas trees they have out there. Anyways out the door report, night went by smoothly as always. Checks the decorations everything looks good and secure." I walk past him handing him the radio. I check all my pockets, especially making sure I have the ring still. I feel it in my left pocket, perfect.

"Awesome, we'll time to have a day full of watching kids scream and stuffing their face full of cake haha. Oh and just so you know, you've been dethroned as the king of jump scares. Sorry lad I don't make the rules." He says with a overconfident smirk. I roll my eyes which were now dry and extremely tired.

"You know, you only hold the title for now because I was tired. Don't think it'll last mister can't work a full shift without dozing off" I smirk proud of myself for the lame insult I just threw at him.

"Better get home and rest up then, wouldn't want the janitor bots spooking ya later tonight" he says trying to hold I'm laughter.

"Okay whatever Lincoln, I'm out of here. See ya" I say walking towards the punch of machine.

"See ya later Jasper, get some good rest" I look back at him giving him a smile before clocking out. I brush against the door and am greeted by a gush of cold air. Fuck. I wrap my arms around myself before speed walking to my car. Shakily, I reach into my pocket pulling my keys out. I press the button to unlock the door before pulling it open. I jump in the seat slamming my door shut behind me. I sit there for a moment and stare out of my windshield. I just wish there was some way he could see this, someway I can show him the world. Tears begin to appear in my eyes again, the cool air causing them to sting even more. I immediately bring my sleeves up to my facing wiping them away quickly before starting the ignition and putting the heat on full blast.

My body shivers as the heat slowly begins to fill the car. Okay, home. I pull my sleeves over my hands before wrapping them around my cold steering wheel, I put the car in reverse carefully backing out before pulling away into the street. All I could think about is the pain in Freddy's voice when he spoke to me. How he didn't want me to leave at all. Again, the tears start to flow, I let them this time. The air wasn't cool anymore and I didn't feel like taking my hands off the wheel to wipe them away. He knows I love him, he knows I never want to hurt him. I hope he has an amazing day. Luckily when he's in that form he can't feel pain. Otherwise I'm sure his chest would be aching the same way mine is. He doesn't deserve that.

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