Merry Christmas Fredbear

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TW: Idk exactly what but he cries in this seen and thinks about his past so if that might hurt you don't read this.
I stare blankly at my ceiling as the alarm beeps over and over again. That felt too real.... I reach over to my nightstand grabbing my phone and shutting off the alarm. Its 3:40pm, I wanted to wake up a little sooner today so I could get a shower. The FazPhone buzzes on my nightstand catching my attention. I grab it revealing all of the messages he's been sending me all day. I chuckle softly, aww man he's so adorable. I rub my eyes before opening up the FazPhone reading though the messages. I know you are charging but I wanted to say I love you. I cannot stop thinking about you Jasper, I don't know how to stop. Oh god, Monty just told me about him teasing you last night... I'm sorry I may have been telling my friends about how much I love you.... For awhile. Hello Jasper !! We just did our first performance today, I imagined you watching me and cheering me on.

The messages go on and on telling me all about his day. Never would I have thought I would wake up to this many messages. I type back, Hiii Freddy, I just got done charging. I hope you've had a good day today. I hit send before getting up out of bed. My stomach rumbles loudly, mmmm I definitely need to eat after this shower. I open the jewelry box on my nightstand, okay good.... It's still there. I let out a sigh before going over to my dressed picking out a pair of briefs, hmmmm I scan the selection and decide to go with a red and green pair since Christmas is soon. I walk out of the bedroom into the bathroom turning on the light. I stare at the hair products all over the counter, sometimes I wish I didn't have such curly hair. I place the briefs on the counter before opening the bathroom closet grabbing a towel hanging it on the towel rack. I slide my briefs off and place throw them in the hamper I keep in the bathroom. Hmmmmm I wonder how he would react if I gave him these..... I blush as I imagine him sniffing them as he touches himself. Oh god, don't get distracted. I open the shower curtain turning the water on, I wait until it gets to a nice warm temperature before pulling the lever causing it to become a lush rainfall. I step in letting the nice warm water fall on my face. I close my eyes and think for a couple of seconds. Thinking about Freddy and how amazing he his.... How much I love him. Then I start to think of my family, it's always hard around Christmas. I start to tear up as the thought of my father reminds me of the way he sees me. I slowly fall to my knees as the water runs over my back. I think back to my childhood.... The only safe place was the PizzaPlex I work at now. How magical it felt to be there and escape home for a while. Maybe that's why I got the job in the first place, it's always been a place of comfort for me. Thinking about the PizzaPlex brings my thoughts back around to Freddy and how loving he is. Think about Freddy think about Freddy, I think to myself over and over. I sit there with the water running over my back for a couple of minutes while nice thoughts of Freddy fill my head. I open my eyes again wiping away my tears. I slowly climb back up to my feet letting the water wash away the tears stains on my face. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" I start to sing to myself sarcastically as I wash myself. I smile as I remember watching kids hand small presents over to the animatronics. "Merry Christmas Fredbear" I whisper to myself.

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