Everyone will know you are mine now

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I've been so lost in thought I didn't even realize we were walking into Freddy's room already. My heart aching a little as I remember Freddy's words describing how much be wants a real life with me. Oh god..... I want a real life with him too.... I want one with him so so badly. I can only imagine what would happen to him if he was seen out in the real world. I cringe at the image of him being cut into and experimented on.

"Say something please" Freddy whispers softly, his eyes dimmed almost completely. The door leading to the back part of his room opens up and we walk through. The Christmas decorations still all around.

"I-I'm sorry Freddy. I was just thinking in my head I forgot to talk back...." He puts me down softly before gesturing his hand towards me.

"Please..... I need to feel you" I blush softly before digging around in my pocket for the ring. My heart rests once I find it in my right pocket, the panic that would ensue if I ever lost this ring..... I pull it out handing it into his empty metal paw.

"Of course.... I want to feel you too" I smile softly up at him as he slips the ring onto his paw, I watch as once again his cold metal exterior turns to a warm soft fur covered one. As the transformation completed Freddy looks down at me with his expressive sweet smile instead of his static one he had before. His eyes so full of love as he scans over me. I can't help but feel all warm inside when I see the way he looks at me..... I feel so wanted. My face warm as well and it starts to glow red.

"You're such a good boy Jasper" he whispers as he moves closer swooping be back up nuzzling my face to his. My cheeks glowing even brighter, god the way he can just pick me up effortlessly..... and d-do whatever with me.

"Yeaaaaaaa I'm a good boy hehe" I say as I embrace his nuzzling, his soft fur helping calm any anxiety. He carried me over to the pile of pillow and blankets, well Atleast the ones that are left. He gently places me down dangling the mistletoe over me as he kneels down to lay besides me. Hmmm I always thought the mistletoe thing was so cute, I've never had someone to experience it with until now. He smirks as he makes eye contact with me laying next to me now. He places his left paw on my cheek before slowly pulling me in for a kiss. I wrap my arms around him pulling myself closer to him. He moves his paw from my cheek to my waist embracing me tight. He pulls away from the kiss, I open my eyes to see tears coming from his face as he looks at me with a soft expression. "W-what's wrong Freddy" I say as I grab his face with my hands, worry filling me.

"I-I'm Just so happy right now..... in this moment I feel so happy that I can't help but cry.... But I still feel so empty." He kisses my forehead before leaning back to look at me.

"It's about what you were talking about earlier right.... I know. I really want to take you out on dates.... Go watch movies with you and show you the world." I notice his tear flow increase as he hears me describe what I'd like to do with him. I can't help but to tear up myself feeling my chest ache once again. "If the real world saw you... you'd prolly be hurt really bad.... The world is so evil Freddy" I sniffle out as I begin to cry along Freddy.

"I know... just look what the world has done to you.... Your so hurt..... you don't deserve the pain you've been caused." He pulls me close embracing me, I hear himself crying softly as we hold one another. This is the first time Freddy has ever cried.... Seems like emotions are slowly starting to get to him. I don't mind though, he needs to feel them all for his heart and for his soul. He squeezes me tighter before letting go looking me into my eyes. "I-I love you so much..... you make me feel so complete.... Whenever you aren't with me I feel so alone...."

"I feel the same way.... I really love you, a lot. I wish we could be with one another all the time.... I hate having to leave." My eyes wonder around falling upon Freddy's body. I giggle to myself softly noticing how he is still naked. My face starts to grow more red as I realize I'm staring at his naked body. "Hmmm I have an idea.. maybe it'll make you feel better too." My face lightens up as I see him smile softly, see he already feels better.

"W-what is your idea Superstar ?" He asks sniffing and wiping his tears away from his face. I lean in giving him a kiss on the cheek before trying to stand up. He pulls me back down to him wrapping his arms around me. "Hmm leaving already" he grunts out playfully into my ear.

"Well, I wanna surprise you with something."

"Oh.... Now I'm excited hehe." He whispers softly in my ear. "Before you go...." He softly bites into my neck. My face turns a bright red being caught off guard. I bite my lip trying to keep from whimpering out. He pulls his mouth away from my neck before slowly licking at the bite marks. "You now have my mark, everyone will know you are mine now hehe" he whispers in my ear before pulling away from the hug. My face red as a tomato and my eyes widen. W-what the fuck was that.... And why was that so fucking hot...... "you look so cute and surprised... I love it" he says with a smirk.

"I-I-I ummm T-that was...." I blush even harder being so speechless is so embarrassing.... "I love you" I mutter out with a soft smile giving him a kiss on his cheek. I stand up adjusting myself making sure I have all my items in my pockets. "If anyone comes to you remember to take the ring off."

"Of course, this is our little secret hehe, be safe Jasper" he says with a warm smile, he stares at the mark on my neck with pride. "Hurry back to me"

"I will, I hope you like the surprise"

"Oh, I think I'll love it"

The Witches RingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin