This is my first time

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I start to pant as my body filled with anxiety..... I can't wait to give you a real hug Freddy. I watch as he holds the ring up close to his face and examines it closely. "This goes on my finger?" He asks with and ear wiggle. Oh yeah he probably has never seen a ring before.

"Yeah, just slip it on this finger" I say pointing to my ring finger. Oh god I can't wait any longer.... Hurry up Freddy. He holds out his right hand slowly slipping the ring onto his ring finger. My stomach starts to churn as the anxiety gets to much. One the ring is on I watch as, from top to bottom, the cold metal slowly turns into soft fur. My heart beating faster and faster as the transformation continues. It finally stops with a very handsome Freddy looking at me. "Well how d-" Freddy tackles me to the ground before I can continue my sentence. He wraps his arms tightly around my body as he nuzzles my cheek. My eyes widen at first from the shock. I wrap my arms back around him with a smile, tears stream down my face.

"To actually feel you.... to be able to smell you.... You are so perfect" he mutters into my neck as he continues to hug me. My smile grows bigger and bigger. His fur is so soft and cuddly. He gets up slowly to face me , his features look exactly the same. Even the blue and red paint transferred over to his fur. "My face is leaking, this is called crying ! I read about it in the book but why am I crying I'm not sad ?" He says with a puzzled look, his expressions way more easy to tell.

"The same reason I'm crying, I'm so happy. You must be happy too" I say wiping his tears away.

"Your touch feels so good." I blush as he says that. "W-why did I feel a weird way when I see you blush..." he says puzzled. I give a giggle which leaves me with a smile.

"I don't know I'm too happy to think"

"Oh god.... Your blush.... Your smile..... it's making me feel a weird way.... I'm not feeling myself right now." He says with a blush I notice through his fur. Oh.... He must be feeling..... I look down and see his bulge through the blanket he has covering him. My blush grows looking at it.

"That's a new emotion, the one you said you didn't need to worry about..... you are horny." I say looking around nervously.

"I-I want you" he says rubbing his hand across my cheek. My mouth opens in shock as he moves closer to me. I start to breathe rapidly, this... this is my first time.

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