I cannot wait to give you a real hug

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Freddy continues to read through the documents.  He finishes the one I skimmed through and moves on to the next one. Oh man I kind of regret not scanning through all of them. "Adoration, a feeling of profound love, admiration, and respect. What does admiration mean ?" He look my direction with his ears wiggling.

"Ummm it's like liking something or someone very much... and respect is kinda the same thing in a way, but instead of liking the person just because, respect means you like them for what they do or something they've done."

"Hmmm I think I feel that for you...." He says with a low hum before going back to reading through them. He's so sweet, I have a feeling every good emotion he is gonna feel for me. "Oh this one.... Horny ?" W-what did he just say. I slowly look up at him as he glares at me looking puzzles. My face turns a bright red... why is that in there, oh god I knew I should have skimmed through the rest of the pages.

"W-what about it ?" I ask with my eyes widened.

"Feeling or arousing sexual excitement.... I guess I am confused on what sexual means ? I know what excitement is. I already read about this arousing but what does sexual mean?" He says before tilting his head. Oh god what do I even say... how do I explain this.

"Ummm well sexual describes something humans do called sex." I take a pause looking around nervously.

"I can tell from the way you are acting this has made you uncomfortable. I am sorry Jasper...." He says his eyes dimming. "Besides if it's something humans do then I guess I'll never need to learn about it." He smiles before going back to reading. O-oh... I sit there calming down from the panicked feeling I just felt. I stare blankly at the wall for a while before the sound of a page being turned knocked me out of it.

"F-freddy..." I whimper while clenching the ring in my pocket. He looks over.

"What is it ?" He says in a soft questioning tone. "Are you alright Jasper?" Oh god here is goes....

"I have something that can make you more than a robot..." I look up at him to see his reaction.

"What......" he drops the documents

"Somebody who has special abilities saw I was in love with you... I guess I don't do as good of a job at hiding it as I thought I did..." I say with a nervous laugh. He just stares his eyes getting brighter and Brighter. "And apparently" I pull the ring out of my pocket and show it to him. "This ring will make you flesh and bone." His ears wiggle before speaking.

"I see, this must be why you have me studying emotions." He reaches for the ring.

"I-I don't know what will happen.... I know you will probably be filled with a lot of emotions...." I hand him a blanket from the pile. "And you will have new parts, specifically...." I pause. "The sexual parts" I blush hard at the thought of it. He grabs the blanket. "So you may want to cover up"

"Ahh I see" he says wrapping the blanket around himself. I sigh, this is going to be a lot. I hold the ring out in the palm of my hand gesturing for him to take it. He slowly reaches out to my hand grabbing it.

"I cannot wait to give you a real hug."

Ps. Merry Christmas - Mint

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