Soon the pain will stop

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Hours have passed and at this point I've memorized the message of Freddy confessing his love for me. I look down at my watch to see the time. 3:30am, Freddy should be done charging soon. I'm so excited to see him again. I smile as I gather the documents I stapled together for him. He's gonna be so excited to learn about emotions, and I'm excited to answer all of his questions. I stand up out of my chair fast once I have everything I need and begin speed-walking over to Freddy's room. I wanna make sure I'm there before his charging is done. I look at the time as see it now being 3:32am, my walk quickly becomes a run. I come across the first security gate stopping completely to wait for it to open. I listen to the slow whirring of the cogs twisting and turning slowly getting annoyed. As soon as it opens enough for me to make it through I start running for Freddy's room again. Luckily a Janitorial bot happened to be going through the second gate so it was already open. I zoom past the security bot making a sharp left then before stopping. I check my watch again, it's 3:34am. I take a couple deep breaths before walking to the door. I stop once I'm in the front portion of his room to adjust myself making sure I don't look a complete mess since I just ran here. I smile at myself in the mirror then take a deep breath walking into the back of his room. He is still charging, perfect. I make my way to the pile of pillows and blankets and sit down before checking my watch one last time. 3:35am just one more minute. I look at the documents now spread out in front of me. I make sure they are in the correct order before hearing the charging station open. I look up with a big smile. "Hii Freddy" he looks over at me a bit startled

"Oh, Jasper you waited for me." His ears wiggle as he exited the charging station and walks over to me. I get up to give him a hug, his cold metal feeling harsh on my skin. Another reminder......

"I printed out all of these documents for you to read about human emotions." I hold them all up excitedly to show him with a big smile. He gently pats my head as his eyes brighten.

"J-Jasper, seeing you so excited is making me feel another emotion. I like it, I want to put my arms around you and never let go" he says tilting his head. My cheeks burn red as I process and think about what he said. I-is he trying to say I'm cute...? That's how I feel when I see a cute kitty.... I want to put my arms around them and never let go.

"Ummm I-I don't know about that one Freddy, but maybe these documents will." I hold them up again as he removes his hand from my head and takes them one by one. I back away and sit back down on the soft pile I've grown to love. "I'll be right here Incase you have any questions" I say as he lowers himself down to sit by me. I remember someone from the animatronic maintenance team complaint about scratches on Freddy's bottom, now I think I know how they are getting there.

"Hmmm what is this." He ask showing me the doodles I drew on the first page of him holding me.

"Uhhh oh that's nothing" I giggle nervously completely forgetting about that.

"I think it is making me feel happiness." He says as he pulls his arm back looking at the drawing again. His eyes dim as he focuses on reading through the documents. A couple minutes pass before he has a question. "Hmmm this one, jealousy. I think I feel this one when I see Roxy and Chica together. They do no like to say anything about it but I think they are in love"

"Why do you feel jealousy ?" I ask him curiously

"I wanted what they have, I was too scared to tell you anything. It's normal for them... they are both mechanical." I know Freddy, I know the pain and jealousy you've felt. "You are a soft human and I am a hard machine.... I've been so jealous that I cannot hug you and hold you like they can. I don't want to hurt you" he looks at me with a tone of concern in his eyes.

"I understand, I feel the same way when I see other humans being happy. I want to be happy with you." I smile at him softly as he continues to read. Soon, soon the pain will stop.

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