I was just thinking about you

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I blush softly as I look back at him, "thanks Fredbear." I walk over to him examining his chest making sure nothing is hanging out. "Alright, everything looks good, let's go" he smiles at me with his ears wiggling

"Take the lead Superstar" he pats my back softly. I wish he wasn't a robot right now, I want to hug him so badly. I walk out of the back door making my way out of Freddy's door. He follows behind not to far behind.

"Are you okay.....? You look a little sad" he says catching up to me walking by my side. "Do you want me to carry you" his eyes light up brightly. I turn around to face him, he's so sweet I couldn't help but smile.

"I-I just wish I could hug you right now, I'm having withdrawals hehe" he scoops me up off my feet carrying me, my face lights up red as I notice I was no longer walking.

"I want to feel close to you too, so let me do this" he says with a slight smile, I can really notice how more expressive he is when he's in his other form. He look around making sure no one is around. "I love you"

"I love you too silly" I say reaching up to boop is metal nose.

"What was that..." he says looking down at me

"I booped you hehe."

"Hmmm it seems to have Made you happy so I will allow it" he says as his ears wiggle, I wonder if his ear wiggling means he would be blushing in his other form.

"Wowwww love birds here hehehe" I look down to my left to see Monty walking towards us. Oh god, my face instantly gets red. Freddy stops letting Monty approach holding with with one hand and waving with his other, he carefully puts his other hand back underneath me.

"Hello Monty !!" He says his eyes lit up. Awww he must really love his friends.

"I see your doing well with your little boyfriend, heheh, look at his blushing" my eyes widen as my face grows even more red, god damn I hate blushing is so embarrassing......

"I am doing well ! I love Jasper very much" his ears wiggle again.

"Yeah yeah we get it, everyone gets to be happy but me" he pushes his sunglasses back on his face. "First Chica and Roxy..... Now you and Jasper I might as well romance the morning security guard hehehe" I giggle to myself as I imagine Lincoln and Monty in love, Monty would probably make fun of his accent hehe.

"Don't worry Monty...... one day you will find something" I saw smiling at him, "besides, Lincoln is with Vanessa but I'm sure you can try hehe" I say giggling again not able to help but laugh as I imagine Lincoln getting carried around by Monty.

"Of course you will Monty, You're a Superstar" he says winking at Monty. Hey..... I'm his only superstar.

"He, I guess your right. Well I gotta go practice my pickup lines for when the other guard comes in." He pushes his glass back up before nodding his head at us. "See ya love birds" he says as he walks off. He looks down at me as I look up at him.

"Don't worry.... Your my Superstar, I just wanted to cheer him up" he says before he continues walking down.

"I know, Just like your my Fredbear hehe, and Daddy" I saw blushing softly, he stops in his tracks before looking down at me.

"Okay, I definitely like that" he says looking down at me with his eyes lit bright. He continues down the PizzaPlex I begin to zone out enjoying being carried, this doesn't happen often. It actually never happened until yesterday when I got hurt, I'm not complaining though. One day I would love to be carried with his arms covered in his soft fur and feel the warmth of his flesh instead of this cold hard metal under me right now. I blush as my mind wanders to what happened about an hour ago.... 'Good boy' keeps playing over and over in Freddy's voice.

I come out of my daydream to notice we were almost to the elevator behind Sides and Salads. Man he moves way faster than I do.... Or maybe it's just because I wasn't paying attention, I do that a lot hehe.

"Welcome back" he smile down at me, "based of my research it looks like you experienced what's called daydreaming. Must have been an interesting one considering the color of your cheeks" his ear wiggle as he continues walking towards the elevator.

"I was just thinking about you"

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