I dont want to leave

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I fall backwards staring up at him still red in the face. He chuckles before reaching down to me, the same paw that was holding my head down on his......

"Come on baby, get up here" he says softly with a smile. God, the way he is just able to completely switch from dominant grizzly bear to cuddly teddy bear is amazing. I reach out grabbing his hand before being yanked with all his strength into his arms. He looks down at me, the soft gaze showing so much love and adoration. He leans down kissing me on my forehead, god how did I get so lucky. "It's cute you thought you'd win that little battle of domination" he says chuckling as he softly rubs my head. My eyes widen as I feel my face burn brighter than it has ever before. F-fuck my daddy issues are way to strong for this.

"You know" I swallow hard, the overwhelming amount of love making my throat a bit dry. He looks down at me puzzled.

"Yes baby ?"

"Y-you..... it's just, you......"

"Cmon baby, use your words" he says with the cutest smirk on his face. My face gets red again.

"You know exactly what your doing don't you" his smirk turns into a huge grin.

"Oh darling, the power of the internet is amazing when you can read as fast as me. I know about 1000 different ways to make you melt into my arms. All your," he uses air quotes "issues, make it so easy once I know how to push all your buttons" he chuckles softly before wrapping his big bear hands around me once again. Damn, I'm never gonna be able to beat him if he knows all my weaknesses...... not that I'm complaining really hehe.

Beep beep beep beep

The abrupt sound of my alarms jars me out of my thoughts. I jumped slightly in Freddy's arms. "It's okay baby, I got you" he says before leaning in and kissing my forehead. "I'll protect you from the scary alarm hehe" I look back up at him a big teary eyes. He responds with shock, "Jasper are you okay, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry I'm just teasing you baby."

"Nooooo, I'm not crying because of that Fredbear. I'm crying because that alarms means I have to go home in 10 minutes." I lean into his chest burying my face in his soft fur. I feel his muscles shift as he leans back against the wall. He start petting my head, I can tell he is being extra gentle with me due to his strength he doesn't wanna hurt me.

"What is this feeling....." he mutterings out, I can hear the pain in his voice.... I've never heard him sound like this before. Something inside of me stirs as I hear him. I lean up instantly looking up at his face. His head is against the wall, tears streaming down his face. He looks completely devastated..... god damn it. If I didn't have to rush back to the security office I would be able to comfort him like he deserves. I get up from between his legs and sit on his knees, I lean up to his face giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know baby, I know it hurts.... This is the feeling I felt everyday I left you." I say softly as I gently wipe his tears away. He takes his right arm wrapping it around my waist pulling me even closer to him.

"I can't believe you felt this every time you left.... My chest. It feels so empty, the only thing I feel is an aching emptiness. I don't want you to leave me, I don't want you to leave my side at all. My eyes start to get blurry as I start to feel the same pain in my chest. I need to be strong for him, he hasn't had any emotional pain experience..... he's been a robot for so long and now he can feel these emotions. I can't cry right now, I need to show him it'll be okay. I reach out wiping his tears away.

"It gets easier baby, see I'm not even crying right now. I just look forward to being with you again. I know I'm going to see you again that's why it's gotten easier" I say with a soft smiling, lying out of my teeth. The pain in my chest aches away even harder. He looks up at me with the softest puppy face ever.

"You can't hide your pain from me Jasper, I know you feel it too." He says pulling me harder causing me to fall into his chest. "I don't want to see good bye, but I have too.... Please give me one last kiss to cherish before I take off my ring" he pleads with me with a bleeding heart. Without hesitation I wrap the sides of his face with my hands before kissing him with all the passion I have left in me. I lean up from the kiss looking down at him. "That's a little better" he says letting out a soft chuckle.

"Carry me in your heart baby. I will be thinking about you until I see you again, even then I will still be thinking of you." I smile before getting up off of his body.

"And I" he says before taking off the ring, I watch as his soft fur turns to the cold hard metal it once was. "Will pretend I am singing to you today" he says before handing me the ring. I take it placing it in my pocket. His eyes dim letting me know he is still depressed, as am I baby. I look down at my watch letting me know 2 minutes since my alarm have passed. I walk to the door before looking back at him once more. This isn't a goodbye, this is a see you later. Have a good day Fredbear, I love you. He waves to me as I walk though the door. The moment I am out of his sight tears start streaming down my face, I don't want to leave.

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