You'll see me soon enough

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I pull into the parking spot I park in every day. The smell of the two burgers sitting in the bag of my driver seat making my stomach rumble even more. I look down at my watch, 4:42 pm. Hmm not too bad on time. I take the keys out of the Ignition placing them in my lap before grabbing a burger out of the bag. I slowly unwrap it causing the smell to get stronger and stronger. I slowly raise the burger to my mouth taking a bite. I'm a pretty picky eater so it's a boring flavor. Just a plain burger with cheese and ketchup. I wonder if my eating habits are a result of my childhood trauma. I think to myself as I take another bite. I pull the FazPhone out of my pocket and send Freddy a message, I got you a little surprise :), I send smiling. He messages back almost immediately, I have a surprise for you too. What does :) mean ? I chuckle to myself forgetting this is probably the first time he's sending texts, I say probably because I'm not sure if the animatronics can send messages back and fourth to each other. It is like a smile, it's what I do when you make me happy. I take another bite of my burger before hitting send. He texts back, oh well in that case I love it ! :) :) :) :) :), he's so sweet. I get done with my burger throwing the wrapper in the back seat. I look back and notice a bag, ahh perfect. I grab the bag pulling the briefs out of my pocket before shoving them in the bag. I grab the food bag also shoving it in the bag. Alright time to get started. I open the door with the bag in my hand getting out. I close the door before wiping any crumbs that may have fallen on me off of my shirt. I reach in my pocket making sure I still have the ring. I press a button my on keys locking my car door before shoving them in my pocket. I feel the FazPhone vibrate, I definitely don't want Lincoln seeing the FazPhone. I rush over to the door waving my badge over it before opening it.

"Hey Jasper, I'm not sleeping this time" Lincoln shouts down from the office.

"Aww man, I really wanted to give you another scare" I giggle to myself as I clock in, 4:58 pm perfect. I walk down the hall turning the corner before walking in the office.

"Yeah I'm gonna be keeping my guard up for the next couple of days" he says laughing as he pulls his jacket over his shoulder. "By the way, I don't know what you did to Freddy last night but he hasn't messed up one bit. He also seems livelier today. Great job" I smile

"Well I just did a power upgrade, must have fixed him up just right."

"Yeah, we'll I gotta get out of here. I can really only handle this place for so much. You understand" he says as he approaches the door. "Oh man I almost forgot to give the exit report, I did catch someone trying to pocket a shirt. Report is already done nothing you need to worry about. A lot of teenagers in today, people with big families coming in for all the young ones birthdays I guess." He shrugs before turning away. "See ya Jasper !"

"Have a good night Lincoln!!" I say back before sitting down in the chair again. I place the bag under the desk before picking up the radio to my left. "Jasper reporting in"

"Welcome in Jasper. Great job on Freddy last night. He's practically running like a brand new machine today. I also heard you managed to capture the music man, great job. Upper is probably gonna send you a gift card or something. Anyways the only thing I have specifically for you to do it go behind the team that put up decorations this morning and make sure everything looks good, fix anything that doesn't."

"Oh nice, a gift card" I say chuckling. "You got it Jerry. Have a nice night"

"Perfect, I'm off tomorrow so I'll see ya Friday. Have a good night" I put the radio back onto the charging stand before leaning back in the chair and watching the monitors. I see Freddy at a table full of kids celebrating a birthday. He smiles as he pulls a cake out of his chest, his ears wiggling. I notice a teenager at the table clearly annoyed not wanting to be there. Hmm tough crowd Fredbear. I take the FazPhone out and see another message from his, :) :) :) :), oh god what have I stated. I type back, I see you, I notice him pause at the table as he sends one back to me. I'm jealous you can watch me but I can't watch you. You'll see me soon enough.

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