I'm sorry freddy

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4:56pm, I hurry and put my car in park. I grab my bag from my seat and sprint inside, completely ignoring how cold it is outside. I swiped my badge over the door before rushing in punching my time card. It was only then when I was clocked in at 4:57pm that I was able to feel myself breath again. I stand there at the punch machine for a bit catching my breath before I look over to the right. Ahhh my lovely security office. I grip my bag pulling it closer to my shoulder before walking to the office. "Happy birthday Buddy" I'm greeted by Lincoln's cheery British voice. I can't help but smile, every year Lincoln is always usually the first person to wish me happy birthday, but this year it was Emily. "I got you a little something." He says patting my shoulder before turning back to the desk.

"Aww thanks Lincoln, you are always a ray of light on this day. The big 22......

"Of course Jasper, I look forward to this every year. Seeing a real genuine smile come across your face. Plus I'm always extra grateful to you for always taking the winter shift. It would suck not being able to be home for New Years." He says before handing me a slice of strawberry cheesecake. "Tadaaaaa your favorite, see I remember haha" he says giving me another pat on the back. I begin to feel myself tear up a little. No, not in front of Lincoln.... I smile before looking up, I place the cake down on the desk before giving Lincoln a big hug.

"Thank you so much, this really means a lot." I feel his arms wrap around me before giving me a gentle pat on my back.

"Anything buddy, anytime and anything you know I've always got your back." I loosen from the hug still fighting back tears. But he knew, he knew today was always a hard day for me. Lincoln is honestly kind of like a father figure to me. Even though we're just coworkers, he knows how my family is with me. That's why he always does something like this for my birthday. "Alright, I've got to get going know. Vanessa has alot of plans for our little winter vacation. We're heading out to Florida to go visit her parents like every year, you know how it is haha" he says before wrapping his jacket around himself.

"Well I wish you guys safe travels, don't worry I'll be here holding down the fort" I say looking up at him with a smile.

"Well, keep the place from burning down and I may just bring you back a souvenir" he says chucking, he places his hand on my shoulder one last time before he departs. "See you next year buddy."

"You too Lincoln" I say as I watch him exit out of the office to go clock out. I turn around facing the cake on the desk. I let go, I'm finally by myself now I can.... I feel the tears start to fall and the lump on my throat grow. I wrap my jacket tight around me before taking a seat in the chair. I lean down starting at the cake in front of me and begin to fall apart, I think about everything. The fact that it's my birthday, the fact that no one in my family even cares, the fact that Freddy could possible not want to be official boyfriends. The fact that everything is so fucked up right now. I stare blankly at the desk for what felt like an eternity. The empty feeling not going away. I finally look up at the monitors scanning around for something interesting to watch. All the kids are just wanting to get hugs from the animatronics before they go on "vacation." That's what they tell all the kids, they go on vacation together for the holiday but really the place just shuts down to give the employees a break. I guess it's a way to keep the magic alive for the children.

I look down at the desk again noticing a note and a plastic fork, the note written on the napkin. "Happy birthday buddy, you might need this to enjoy that amazing cake" I take a deep breath and smile Just a little. Well, atleast I can enjoy this. I grab the fork and napkin pulling it closer. I take the lid off of the slice of cake before standing up and running over to the light switch. The office now having a blue hue from the monitors. "Happy birthday to me..... happy birthday to me.... Happy birthday dear Jasper....... Happy birthday to me." I whisper out loud. I smile, trying to imagine a world where I'm celebrating with my family instead of all alone.

I flick the light back on before walking over the my desk siting done once more. I look up, fork in hand. I watch as sun is in the daycare playing with the children. They seem to be having a good time in there. I take a bite from the cake, oh god that's so good. Lincoln was right this is definitely my favorite. I continue to scan the screens, I see Freddy standing with children giving him lots of hugs. He looks up at the camera and his eyes are dim..... I know he knows I'm here, I know he is probably wondering what's wrong with me. What happened why am I not answering his hundred texts he's probably sent me.

I'm sorry Freddy.

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