Happy Birthday Jasper

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Warm, the water is warm just like his touch. I close my eyes letting the water run off of me. With each drop I envision him wrapping his arms around me. Then we begin to sway, I envision me.... him..... dancing. We're dancing in the rain, I can only imagine this though. As much as I want too dance I'm the rain with him the closet I'm gonna be able to get is under fountain drinks in the PizzaPlex, and that's just gonna get me all dirty and sticky. With that thought I turn the water off letting out a soft sigh before grabbing the curtain. I thought I would be so happy, I am happy. But it only makes the sadness grow even more. I knew I couldn't be with him before. So coming home wasn't really an issue. I was just grateful for the time I got to spend with him. Especially after he let me into his room, before I didn't even know it was possible that he could have a crush on me. Not until he confessed his love for me a couple of days ago. Now that we are.... wait. What are we ? I don't think either of us have asked one another to be officials boyfriends yet..... I know he knows what a boyfriend is because of all his computer research he's done.

I finish drying myself off with my towel, I wrap it around me before heading over to my bedroom. I guess we've both kind of been either too wrapped up in each other or thinking about how we can't actually be together the way we want too. Or maybe.... Maybe he doesn't actually want to be official, what if he wants better for me. Wants me to find someone in the real world I can be with and have a real life with. I sit on the bed wrapped in my towel. Clutching my chest, the thought of him thinking that makes me feel internal agony. The PizzaPlex is going to go into winter maintenance after tonight, I have already volunteered to stay and take the winter shift like I always do. Maybe I'll find out during the week long stay at the PizzaPlex.

I stand up, I can feel the weight of these recent thoughts weighing me down. I look back at the bed, my uniform laying there waiting for me to dress for the night. Wow, I never thought I would be dreading going to work. Dreading going to see Freddy, what is wrong with me. I finish drying off before slowly putting my uniform on. I grab the ring carefully placing it in my pocket. I grab the FazPhone not even wanting to check for any messages from Freddy, even though I'm sure there are some. I grab my phone clicking it on, I see a message "Happy Birthday Jasper." I ignore the text from my old friend Emily and check the time. It's already 4:40pm, I'm usually there by now. I guess all this thinking has made me lose track of time. I sigh staring at Emily's text, a friend, a connection I could make. But how will we ever progress in a friendship when I'm hiding the fact that I'm in love with a robot. Still, she's the only one... the only one to wish me happy birthday, not even my parents or my sister. I'm sure Freddy definitely remembers... I really wish I didn't have that thought, I wish I didn't feel this sad on my birthday.

I hurry and place my phone in my pocket before grabbing the bag I had already packed for the upcoming week. I take one last deep breath before heading for the door. Key, charger, phones, badge. Yeah I got everything, I think to myself as I open my door carrying my bag. I hurry locking the front door before sprinting down the stairs to my car. I cannot be late, I've never been late to work a day in my life and I'm not gonna start now. I throw my bag in the passenger seat before jumping in. "Happy birthday Jasper" I whisper to myself as I back out of the parking spot and speed down the road.

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