I love when he calls me superstar

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I pull into the PizzaPlex employee parking lot at around 4:56pm, I live pretty close to work so the commute is pretty easy. I pull the keys out of the ignition and rush to the back door. Luckily for me the security guard clock in machine was right next to the door I use to get in every day. I punch in at 4:58pm, the boss doesn't care I'm a few minutes early, I pretty much clock in at this time every day. I walk down the hallway and turn the corner leading to the security office. I see a tall man sitting in the chair in front of the monitors, he has dark curly hair that hangs over his eyes and he looks down. Is he..... sleeping ? I giggle to myself before slowly inching forward barley holding my laughter in at the thought of scaring him. I take a step forward, my hands just inches away from his shoulder. I take a deep breath and lunge forward. "BOOOOO ! Hehehe" I finally let out my laughter as the man jumps in his chair nearly falling back.

"J-jasper is that you, bloody hell man you've nearly killed me" he says in his rough English accent.

"Haha that's what you get for sleeping on the job Lincoln." I say before looking up at the monitors. I love the first couple hours of my shift , I get to see all my children playing and laughing before we end up closing at 10:00pm. "How's our favorite PizzaPlex been ?"

"Oh the usual, kids going crazy and parents happy they can relax a bit. Although Freddy did end up having an accident before the show. Apparently he walked straight into the wall, you're gonna have to run some maintenance on him later tonight. I would have done it but big man said Freddy was still to perform" Lincoln tugs at his tie before looking down at his watch. "Well I better get out of here, Vanessa is making me meet her parents tonight for dinner. I'm very nervous, the very thought of it kept me up all night"

"Well don't fall face first into your dinner" I say chuckling softly. I look down at my watch revealing the time to be 5:08pm. "Better hurry and clock out, you know how Jerry gets annoyed with us 'stealing time'" I use air quotes to better express my sarcasm.

"Yeah your right" he says as he gets up. "I've left the chair warm for you" says smiling as he wraps his coat around himself. He walks past with a sense of urgency before giving me a pat on the shoulder. "See ya Jasper"

"Have a good night Lincoln !!" I say before taking my place in the chair. He wasn't wrong, the seat is definitely warm. I grab a radio from the charger location on the desk and radio in. "Hey Jerry, Jasper checking in." There was a brief static sound before a beep.

"Alrighty Jasper ! I'm assuming Lincoln gave you his exit report. I am gonna need you to work on Freddy when we close. He had an accident, I'm sure it's nothing but they want us to look into it" static fills the room for a brief second before a beep from my finger on the button.

"Sure can do, enjoy your night boss" I say as I look over at the cameras. Oh look a birthday party, Chica seems to be handling this one. I was as she pulls a birthday cake out and places it on the table. I smile as I see the children celebrating, the birthday boy smiling up at Chica. I love working here. I look over at monitor displaying Freddy's room. The curtains seem to be pulled over the glass as expected due to the accident. I push on the arrow keys to move the camera around only to see Freddy looking at the camera. He has a little smile on his face and is waving. Awww he remembered when I told him I worked today.

I select the camera and push the key to let me use the audio function on the camera, "Hi Freddy !" I say excitedly. Still waving he responds.

"Hello Jasper, I remembered you work today so I want to greet you when you got in the office" he tilts his head slightly before he stops waving, he is still holding his smile.

"That is very kind of you Freddy ! I am glad to be greeted, but you need to get some rest. I heard that you had an accident today" I say in a worried tone.

"Oh Jasper, I made myself run into the wall so I can be in my room when you came into work" he chuckles softly. "I missed my favorite guard" I start to softly blush, luckily he can't see me or else's he'd be worried and rush me to first aid. I- I'm his favorite.

"Oh Freddy, you are so kind. I really appreciate it but don't do it to many times or else they could consider scrapping you.... I don't want that to happen" I wince at the thought of having a new Freddy, it'll be like a death. I'd have to meet an entire new Freddy, with an entire new personality.

"Of course Jasper. I can't wait until closing time so I can see my superstar !" He says giving a thumbs up before heading to the door leading behind his room. "Time to go charge, see you later!"

"See you later Freddy !" My cheeks as red as a rose, I love when he calls me superstar.

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