Fuck you Bonnie

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I grab a couple of tissues from the desk corner. I start at my nose, all stuffed up with snot and emotions. I blow hard feeling my nasal passage clear again. I throw those tissues down then grab another couple wiping my face down, I guess while I was being tortured by my own head I had snot and tears dripping and covering my face. I gotta make sure I clean myself up before I go see the real Freddy. Not the one my overthinking mind made up myself. I take a deep breath looking around the office. I grab my trash from the cheesecake Lincoln left me and toss it quickly, then grab my bag before checking my pockets making sure I have everything. Alright.... time to go I suppose, I walk over to the door looking in my reflection at the window. Holy shit Jasper, you look like a fucking mess. I mess with my hair a bit making sure it's all in order. I widen my eyes trying to get rid of the junk that has built up from my river of tears. All of a sudden I hear heavy metal footsteps, what the fuck. What's going on why is he coming here. "Knock knock" Roxy ?! What is she doing all the way over here.

"Roxy? Is that you ?" I open the office door looking out, I see her standing there.

"Happy birthday Jasper, you didn't think we'd all forget did you haha" I force a smile on my face, I am happy to see Roxy. I just wish I still had a little more time to myself to gather myself before I go see Freddy.

"Thank you, I knew you guys would never forget." Suddenly I'm that little boy again, suddenly I'm the boy who is faking a smile and happiness for the first time at his moms church when he didn't want to be there. It's a good skill to have learned, it's helps in a lot of situations like this one. I watch as Roxy lifts her arm up slowly revealing a blindfold.

"Alright, blind fold up so I can carry you to where we're going."

"A blindfold.... Really Rox ?"

"Hey, don't hate me this... this is allllll Freddy's idea. Even this blindfold here." Ugh he would do this too, he loves his little jokes and surprises.

"Hmmm, just hurry and get it on me." I walk over to her turning around so she can tie it around my head.

"Just don't make it too tight okay."

"Oh Jasper, you know I would never try and do anything to hurt you. Well on purpose, I can't help that I accidentally kicked you one year."

"Mhm accidentally right, totally not because I took the last slice of pizza."

"Okay, I won't tell you to shut up because it's your birthday soooo I'll just say... settle down" settle down haha, she do heard a parent say that to a child and now has incorporated it into her vocabulary, that's so cute. I feel her tighten the blindfold, not to loose and not too tight. Good job Roxy.

"Okay, that feels nice and snug now I'm r- woaaaahhh" I'm interrupted by Roxy's cold metallic hands picking me up off of the ground. "Just like Freddy, no warning but Atleast I can see when he does it."

"Oops sorry, I kinda forgot about the whole warning thing. It's not like everyday I pick you up."

"It's alright, I know I'm just.... You know how I am on my birthday each year." I clench my fists together, this is going to be hard. Whatever it is they Freddy must have planned. I won't be able to have him be real... he's gonna have to be in his anamatronic form until we're alone. Not only that but my overthinking..... I don't think he'll be able to tell easily while he's in that form but it's gonna be hard on me.

"No matter what Jasp.... We're always here for you. Especially Freddy, you seem to make him really happy. I mean I haven't seen him this happy since he was dating Bonnie." She says casually.

"Thanks rox" I say trying to hide my shock. Excuse me.... Did she just say dating Bonnie. W-what the fuck. My chest burns with frustration, anger, jealousy.... Why am I jealous ? He's not even here anymore why do I feel threatened..? Why did he not tell me about this. "Rox, how long were they together?"

"You mean he didn't tell you...? I mean gosh they were together for a couple years honestly... they never ended. Bonnie just.... Well he was decommissioned and then that was that. He was so devastated, saying he lost the love of his life and all. We were all hurt but not nearly as much as him." My heart.... Crushed absolutely crushed. I know I will never measure up to Bonnie. The way Roxy just explained things made it clear to me.

"Can you just put me down, I need to go be alone for a little bit. You know birthday stuff for me is hard." I say trying my best to hide my frustration.

"Sure, I'll let Freddy know." She says before playing me down and taking the blindfold off.

"Thanks again." I say before walking off in a random direction. It's not long before I hear her metallic footsteps take off in the opposite direction. I walk further away, deep in my head.

Fuck you Bonnie.

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