More like my second home

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I don't even know how much time has passed, all I know is that I'm finally home. I shift the car into park before feeling my body relax a bit. Driving is always scary, what's even scarier is have the time I don't even remember the drive. It's weird how my body just goes into auto pilot mode. I mean, it's really amazing but still weird. I wonder if everyone else is like that. I turn the heat off before taking the keys of the car. I take a deep breath before quickly opening the car door and running out to the apartment door swinging it open and hurrying inside. It's chilly inside but not as cold as it is out there.

I look over at the 3 flights of stairs I have to climb, ugh I just wanna be in bed already. I walk over to the stars before grabbing the rail and walking up them slowly. With each stop it feels like I grow more and more depressed, luckily the exhaustion seems to be getting to me and my chest has stopped hurting. I finally reach the top step, I reach into my pocket pulling my keys out again. I give my Freddy keychain a kiss before walking to my front door and unlocking it. This doesn't even feel like home anymore. It's just simply a place I sleep at until I get to live a semi decent life with Freddy at the PizzaPlex every night I work. I don't care about anything right now, the only thing.... I reach into my pocket gently pulling the ring out. I walk into my bedroom and place it safely in the box it sat in a day prior. That has to be kept safe and in a location I will always remember it. I take my phone and FazPhone out placing my iPhone on the charger and my FazPhone next to my phone on the nightstand. I peel out of my clothes getting down to nothing but my underwear before slipping into bed. I close my dry eyes laying on my back. Within seconds I open my eyes, all I can see is a beautiful Mountain View.

"This is some view superstar" I gasp hearing Freddy's voice to my left. There he is, just standing there. He looks so beautiful with the wind blowing through his fur, the sun shining on him so gracefully. I say the only thing that comes to my mind in that moment.

"Y-you look really good baby" he looks over at me smiling softly letting out a soft chuckle. I can't help but stare in awe. The light hitting his fur with the wind flowing through it. His scent hitting my nose causing me to blush softly smiling like a mindless nose breather.

"I wasn't taking about myself" he says softly with the cutest smile. I stand up walking over to him, I lean on his right shoulder staring at the view he mentioned before. He moves his right arm causing me to fall onto his chest making me lose my balance a bit. "Don't worry, I've got you" he says before wrapping his right arm around me pulling me closer to him. My stomach churns as I start to feel butterflies.

"I don't know which view is better honestly" I look up at him, he's already looking down at me with adoration eyes. I blush, him already staring at me catches me of guard a bit.

"I agree, the best view is definitely my superstar right here" he says before leaning down and kissing me gently on my forehead. As soon as the kiss lands it fills me with a brief moment of warmth before I wake up to a overwhelming sense of loneliness. The room around me is so cold and gray, a complete wasteland compared to the sunny warm environment from my dream. Not to mention HE was there. I lean back into my pillow staring at the ceiling letting out a soft sigh. That felt so real, the way he looked in the sun, the wind.... the way he smelt. His warm soft fur I felt wrap around me. I lean back up grabbing my phone to check the time. 4:26.

Why.... Not only did my body decide to wake me from the most Incredible dream I've had in my entire life. But it also decided the perfect time to do so is 4 minutes before my alarm goes off. I could have been held by him for at least 4 more minutes. I sigh before dragging myself out of bed, I should probably get a quick shower in before heading straight to work, more like my second home.

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