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I put the FazWatch back into my pocket before gulping hard. I pull on my tie before shutting off my flashlight staring at the soft light coming from the door In front of me. Security guards are actually equipped with firearms, the guards who work the day shift have to hide there's in their packs they carry with them for the kids. But I keep mine on my right hip. I reach for my pistol slowly raising it up making sure the safely is off. I inch my way to the door softly, trying my best to stay as quiet as I can. The humming getting louder and louder. I take a peak in the door looking around. It looks just like a security office, expect older. I look towards the desk of the security office and see a woman sitting there. She seems dirty, what else would I expect from someone who often crawls through vents after hours in a pizzaplex. "Freeze" I stay in a stern voice, one foot in the door, both hands on my gun pointed at her. She sits up surprised. "Raise your hands and face me, slowly." She takes a deep breath as she raises her hands slowly. She used her feet on the ground to spin herself around to face me. I turn my flashlight on and point it in her direction. She wasn't a familiar face. She had brown curly hair that reached her shoulder, accompanied by her shocked face.

"I-I can explain" she says panicked. "Just, please drop the gun. I'm unarmed, and I have no interest in harming you" I slowly lower my gun

"Talk" I say before feeling a vibration from my FazPhone. I find myself distracted for a second daydreaming about Freddy.

"I- I have no where to go" she says sighing softly. What... why is this lady here. Why isn't she in a shelter asking for help or maybe staying with a relative. "You love him don't you." She says with a smile. I look up at her in shock, I didn't know what to say. She's been.... watching ? "It's not hard to tell, you seem so miserable in your life unless your talking to Freddy. It gets boring so I tend to ease drop, sorry about it."

"Who are you" I say raising my gun back up at her, freaked out about her ease dropping. She sighs looking down then back up.

"The truth is, they have Human souls, that's why they seem so real. It's because in a sense they are." My eyes widen in shock, if that's true then what if... what if I found my soulmate. It's the soul I am in love with. "Don't laugh but I am a witch" she says with a smirk before snapping her fingers and transforming her dirty appearance to one that resonated with beauty. I take a step back after witnessing such a thing. My gun lowered I ask.

"So, why are you here" my heart feels weird, like it's heart broken but at the same time full of hope.

"I just want to know what magic caused a human soul to merge with an animatronic. So let's strike a deal." I look up curiously at her.

"I'm listening."

"Well I've been here quite some time and have never hurt anyone. I only listen and watch the animatronics behind the scenes, and of course the people who made them. My deal is, if you don't tell anyone about my being here, I can give you something to give Freddy flesh and blood. He won't be human, but he'll still be the same soul you know and love." She says smiling with a certain light in her eye. The kind of light that can only seem to want happiness for me.

"What will he be then"

"Let's just say he will look exactly the same with no metal." I look at her with confusion then take a look into my heart. What happens if I say no. I will continue to live my life miserable everyday until I work my shift here and get to see Freddy. Even when I have the joy from spending time with him, I know that I will never truly be able to be with him in all the way I want to be. I start to tear up knowing the pain I will feel if I decline this. But what will Freddy feel. I don't want to hurt him, and I don't wanna pin this on him if he doesn't want it. From what this woman has said he is a soul. He is capable of feelings and emotions.... Does he love me ?

"Will it hurt him, and can it be reversed ?" The woman holds a ring up that shimmers in the faint light coming off of the screen in front of her.

"The transformation is painless, you simply slide this ring on and all the parts that were metal turn into flesh, bone, and blood. The endo inside of him will not hurt him once he is transformed, don't worry. As far as reversing it goes, just remove the ring and everything will be as is once was." She says before tossing the ring up in the air then catching it. "So, we got a deal" my head started spinning. I have so many worries and questions about this. I didn't even know magic existed until a couple of minutes ago. I take a deal sigh before saying.


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