Oh god I hope they have his size

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Everyone will know your mine now.... I ponder on those words as I walk though the PizzaPlex my face all red as I'm lost in thought. He.... He bit me, no marked me. My face grows redder as I remember the warm sensation his mouth left on my neck and the shivers that went down my spine as he whispered in my ear. What was I doing again. I stop walking and look around for a second coming to my senses. I look around noticing I was in the shopping section of the PizzaPlex, one of my least favorite places to be because it usually results in me spending half my check on Freddy merch hehe. Oh that's right I'm here for his surprise !! I wanted to see if I can get him some clothes, I think he would looks so cute in some of these outfits in the stores. I look around noticing as I was lost in my head daydreaming about Freddy I was already on the second floor of the shopping Plaza, oh man I must have really been out of it. Then again maybe my body kinda just went into auto pilot mode as I usually patrols the entire place anyways. Hmmm the tops are really milking money out of this place, it's practically a Pizza fun mega play hall for kids and a shopping mall for adults and teens.

Okay, walk but don't go into auto pilot mode body. I think to myself as I take out my flashlight so it looks like I'm working on the cameras. I make sure to check all the dark corners as I usually do with the help of the security bots patrolling around all around me. Hmmm where is that map bot.... I swear if  it comes up to me today ooooo, actually.... I'm in a good mood, kind of. I'll take its stupid map just to make it feel better. Oh yeah I'm also supposed to be checking Christmas decorations aren't I. I look around seeing all the light and tinsel thoughtfully strung out. Man maybe if my parents put these decorations up as a kid Christmas would have felt more.... Magical. I stare at the decorations awhile smiling before a giant wave of depression washes over me. I start to tear up as I begin to think about the past. Fuck..... stop crying you fucking loser. I sniffle wiping my tears away as soon as they come out. That's just what you'd want isn't dad, a little cry baby you can make fun of..... I look down from the decorations and stare at the floor for a bit to try and calm down, I wonder how crazy I'd look if they ever watched the camera footage. I chuckle imagining the horror on their faces as I walk a couple a feet smiling then start crying. Oh god I have issues hehe.

I look back up finally feeling like myself again before scanning all the stores. I know there is a store around here fancy dads go to to buy golf clothes, Monty Golf inspired the tops to start a golf collection for some reason. My god they have too much money don't they. I look up to my left reading the sign above the door, Glamgolf Boutique..... I was seriously standing next to it the entire time..... I shake my head out of frustration with myself. How much time did I just waste by being so stupid..... I put my flashlight back in it's holster before grabbing my badge approaching the side door of the store. They allow me special access to the stores ever since I fanboyed about being able to buy lots of Freddy merch when I first started. I pull on the door, hmmm it seems so heavy. The lights automatically turn on as they sense my motion. Ahhhh, nothing like the smell of fresh clothing. I take a deep breath as the last of the lights flicker on. Okay..... I wonder what size Freddy is ? I pull out my phone unlocking it before staring at the screen for a couple seconds. What was I gonna do again....? Oh yeah, I swipe over to my bank app to make sure I had the funds to buy Freddy an outfit or two. I have a saving fund.... I don't know what I'm saving for really. Life kind of just felt pointless until about yesterday when I got this ring. Hmm checkings account $1045.38 and savings..... holy shit, I haven't checked this in awhile..... $2,256.65. Well, I definitely have enough money to buy my big bear boyfriends some clothes. I put the phone back into my pocket and look around. Honestly he would look really adorable in all of these outfits... I scan over everything then come across a couple of suits on display.... I blush as I imagine Freddy all dressed up.

Oh god I hope they have his size.

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