My boyfriend is the one and only Freddy Fazbear

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I've walked for what seems to be an eternity, looking up I noticed I must have walked to the daycare/theater area. I let out a sigh before walking over to the rail that overlooks the area below. I slowly begin to sit down dangling my feet over the wall and begin to settle. Years..... years with Bonnie, I wonder who asked who out. Certainly not Freddy since he can't seem to even ask me out. Oh maybe because he doesn't want too because he's still in love with his ex who fucking died. The love of his life as he puts it. The best part about it all is, Bonnie is actually compatible with him.... He's another god damn robot and I'm some human. Did... did they have sex...? Can they even do that ? Do they even have urges like that...? I mean Freddy is different because of the ring but he didn't have it before. I sigh noticing my thoughts becoming to fast to keep up with anymore.

I reach down and grab the FazPhone out of my back pocket. I stare at it a bit before going back and reading all of our old messages. Anamatroics can just send messages to each others heads, they don't need FazPhones. I- I wonder how many messages he sent Bonnie..... did he say the same thing to him as he said to me....? Is anything we did even original... or did he do it all before with the 'love of his life' I start to tear up.... Of course I find this out on my birthday of all days. The tears flow, I can feel the knot in my throat swell I can't hold it. I burst into tears all while imaging Freddy and Bonnie's perfect relationship. I imagine how Freddy would surprise Bonnie the same way he surprised me on Christmas, how Bonnie would make Freddy's eyes glow and his ears wiggle.


My tears are interrupted by a message on the FazPhone.

'Hey.... Rox brought your bag to the room. She said that this birthday is pretty bad. I hope you are okay.' Out of frustration and anger I reply back.

'Like you care, leave me alone'

I place the phone down on my lap tears continue to fall as I sniffle into between each breathe.

'W-what.... I do care'
'Jasper where are you'
'Hello..... what's wrong...? Did something happen'

He sends messages rapidly, I can tell he's confused. Probably panicking right now. This is the first actual problem that has come between us. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say. I can't even call this a relationship but this is the first thing like it I've ever been in. I don't know what to do I've never dealt with this before....

'Jasper please tell me where you are please'
'I know today is hard for you, let me be there for you'

'I said leave me alone, you don't really care about me. I found that out tonight...'

'Jasper.... What happened...?'

'I'll be in my office for the week.... Enjoy your week off.'

I sigh, my heart hurts.....

Bonnie, when I was a kid. You offered me kindness. You kept the drawing I gave you all those years..... I guess I should be thankful. But I am so fucking angry..... but am I angry at you.... Or angry at myself for letting myself believe that Freddy and I could work. I'm grateful to you for loving him, taking care of him and being his everything. I know if you were still here he wouldn't have an interest in me at all. That hurts.... But if your soul is roaming somehow.... then you saw it all, you could probably spot my stupid crush developing way before I even felt it. Do you know what love even feels like..... did you guys have those feelings... you must have for him to call you the love of his life.

Did.... Did he call you his soulmate too ? Does he look at you the same way he looks at me. With those kind love filled eyes..... the ones I miss. I begin to hear heavy metallic footsteps running towards me. I turn around to see Freddy, his eyes blinking. I've never seen that before, that has to mean he's panicking. Kinda like hazards lights on a car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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