Merry Christmas to you too

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Beeep beeep beeep beeep, the microwave finishes warming up the burger. I grab the FazPhone sending a quick message to Freddy, I'll be there shortly :), I put the FazPhone in my pocket before picking up the burger. I wrap it back up in the wrapping it had before to try and keep it warm before grabbing the paper bag and shoving it back in there. I can't wait to see his reaction hehehe, I pull the ring out of my pocket and put it in the bag. I walk back over the the desk and grab the grocery bag putting the food bag in there. I check my pockets for everything, Phone, FazPhone, Keys. I grab the flashlight from the desk, alright looks like I'm all ready.

Making my way through the corridors I admire the Christmas decorations that line the PizzaPlex, I love Christmas time..... my heart aches for a second thinking about how it will never be a real Christmas for me. I shine my flashlight around the dark corners as the security bots and janitorial bots do their job. Oh hey look the seasonal bots are out ! They go around making sure the decorations are looking good and we sometimes give away special Christmas items if we have them available. Well all the decorations seem to be okay in this area. I say as I go through the second security gate. There was a huge Christmas tree in the lobby, it was beautiful. They must've have put big money into this years decorations. I've never seen them have a tree this big. Yeah I saw it on the cameras but man it's way bigger in person. I continue past the tree and stand in front of Chicas room.

"Merry Christmas Jasper !" She says standing at the glass, her room decorated as well.

"Merry Christmas to you too Chica !" I say smiling before walking over to her door and putting the code in. "Your decorations look nice !"

"Thanks, I did them all by myself, one of the seasonal bots tried to do it but I kicked it out" she says giggling. That sounds like her alright.

"Well you did way better than one of those bots could have done. Good job" I walk out of her room, "enjoy your night !"

I walk towards Monty's room where he his standing right by the the glass looking at me with his sunglasses tilted down. I can't help but chuckle a little bit. "What's that face for"

"You know, Freddy told me what you didn't tell me last night. And I'm kinda upset you didn't tell me." He crosses his arms and looks away. I can't help but blush again, god I hate that I blush it's so embarrassing. Freddy always has to tell Monty, hopefully he didn't tell him about the ring.

"Monty, Freddy wanted to tell you himself. I didn't want to take that way from him. He really loves having you as a friend and looks forward to telling you stuff like this. Now how could I take away something he looks forward too ?" He look back at me slowly before tilting his sunglasses back up.

"Yeaaahhhh I guess your right, Merry Christmas to you Jasper" he says in a more friendly tone. Phew, thank god I had a terrible childhood, now I'm a pretty good liar. I walk over to his door entering the code.

"Merry Christmas to you too Monty" he walks out of the door always and softly pats my back.

"Tell Freddy I said Merry Christmas." He says before walking off. I look into Montys room, man..... of course his decorations are all torn down and on the floor. I walk out of the room and want over to Roxy's room. Her curtains closed but I can hear crying coming from her room. I walk over to her door and unlock it.

"Who's there" she says looking up at me. "Oh.... Hey Jasper" she stand up facing me.

"What's wrong...?" I ask her as I enter her door code.

"Everyone was getting a gifts today from the kids and everyone got more than me" she looks down. "That means nobody likes me" I walk over to hear touching her cold arm.

"Roxy it's okay, I love you !! The kids love you too, it's just the others have been around longer than you have. Just give it some time and you will be covered in gifts" she looks up at me slowly.

"You really love me ?"

"Yeah ! I think you are an awesome member of the band and your always having fun with the kids in the raceway. How about you go practice racing !! That always makes you feel better" I say backing up a bit.

"Thank you Jasper, I think you're awesome too" she says before walking out and heading down to the raceway. I guess Christmas is hard for everyone sometimes. I walk out of Roxy's room making my way over to Freddy's. I see him standing in front of the glass waving to me, his eyes brightened and his ears wiggling.

"Merry Christmas Superstar!!" He's wearing a cute Santa hat. He looks so adorable. I smile at him waving back.

"Merry Christmas to you too !"

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