I bet he'll love it

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I finish rinsing the last bit of soap off of my body before turning the water off. Opening up the curtain I see the mirror steamed up. Hmm no matter what it always fogs up. I step out of the shower grabbing the towel off of the rack, drying myself off. I glance over at the dirty briefs in the hamper, hmmmmmm it is Christmas. I grab the clean one off the the counter putting them on before wiping the steam off of my mirror. I stare at myself, my long brown curly hair that dangles in my face often. I grab the product on my counter and apply some to my hair until it looks good. I reach in my cabinet pulling out my moisturizer, I always have to apply it or my skin will get dry. I grab a bit rubbing it on my palms before applying it to my face. I imagined brushing Freddy's fur after he showers and helping wash his back. When I came too I noticed my toothbrush wetted and sitting in its holder, my mouth feeling minty. I don't mind the lose of time now that it's due to happy thoughts.

I smile at myself in the mirror before turning to the door and hitting the switch. I can hear the FazPhone vibrating on the phone. I stand in the doorway blushing a bit before finally turning around grabbing my dirty briefs. I just have to see how he'd react. I think to myself moving to my room throwing them on the bed. I hurry to my closer and throw on a work outfit, then to my dresser to pick out a pair of socks. I grab the socks walking over to my beside to put them on along with my shoes. I open the drawer in my nightstand grabbing my body spray, it's the same one I had on last night Freddy seemed to love. I think to myself as I spray it all over me. I pick the ring up from the jewelry box shoving it back into my pocket before doing the same to my phone. I pick up the FazPhone and check to see if Freddy messaged me. Good, I'm glad you got a nice recharge ! I cannot wait to see you.... And smell you again. I smile reading the message, I'm on my way now. I type back before rushing to my door. I look down at my watch revealing it to be 4:30 pm. Oh god I guess I must have been crying for awhile. My thoughts interrupted by my stomach growling, oh shit I almost forgot to eat. I guess I could spare 10 minutes to stop somewhere. I open my door grabbing my keys from the wall. I do my daily check making sure I have everything, keys, phone, ring, FazPhone. Hmm seems to be everything. I step out of my door closing it before locking it. I rush down the stairs and to my car. If I want some food I should probably hurry. I open my car door sticking my keys in the ignition before turning it. It doesn't start, oh god please not now. I turn it again chasing the engine to roar to life. I let out a sigh of relief before shifting into reverse backing out of the parking space.

Driving has become second nature to me. I enjoy being in my head while my body sort of goes into auto pilot mode. Hmm I wonder what his reaction to tasting actually food with a real tongue. I look down for a split second noticing the bulge in my pocket from the briefs I shoved in there. I smile softly with a blush, I better put them in a bag or something. I don't want to have to explain to Lincoln why I have a pair of underwear in my pocket. My stomach growls again reminding me of my hunger. My eyes widen looking around, I notice a restaurant with a drive through to my right. Hmm perfect, I think to myself as I turn in. I guess I can get him something, I bet he'll love it

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