I could stay like this forever

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I come back to reality after staring a Freddy for a couple seconds. "Where would we go...? I mean it is literally impossible when I think of any solution for us.... I would still need to make money, I can't work here knowing the guilt of stealing the mascot, plus work would be so terrible without being able to camp in your room with you." I tear up again thinking about being all alone here, no Freddy. He picks me up, I immediately get flustered not expecting it, he lays down on our makeshift bed placing me on top of his chest. Hearing his heartbeat calms me down a little, that and the fact that he started to pet me softly.

"I love you so much Jasper, every second of everyday I can't help but think about you. Even before I confessed my love for you... I thought about you all the time. I was so happy the first time you came to my room, I didn't know at the time because I couldn't understand feelings all that well but when i looked at you.... I got so excited. It only grew with every day, wanting you to be here more and more, I was so scared of what you'd think. A robot having a crush on you, then i started to see little signs that you liked me too." I blush, oh god what could these signs be. I reach up petting Freddy with my left hand, my right hand close to my chest as I lay on top of Freddy listening to his heart. "Remember that night you didn't sleep much that day and you fell asleep talking to me?"

"I still don't know how I didn't get in trouble for that" I say giggling softly, I can feel his chest moving up and down as he laughs as well.

"Well, your wallet fell out of your pocket and guess what I saw" he says with a little chuckle. Oh fuck, this is embarrassing. My face grows red again as I slowly lift my head up making eye contact with him.

"W-what did you see?" He smirks at me as he sees my face all red

"I saw your Glam Rock Freddy Debit card hehe, then I began to think maybe you were obsessed with me too. I also saw your phone, how your lock screen was a picture of you and I together. Seeing those two things made me so happy and hopeful, to be honest it made me fall in love with you even more. I started to imagine a life with you, you joined the band, and we were both rockstars. Then we retired and got a nice little place somewhere. I never could figure out where we got a place at, that part was cloudy to me since I've never seen the outside world." He moves his hand to stroke my cheek. "Never could I have imagined laying here with you on my chest, being able to feel your warmth and the way your heart beats faster when you get embarrassed" he says chuckling softy.

"Hmmm you love laughing at me huh?"

"It's because I love you, a lot silly."

"I never imagined I would be able to love you the way I wanted to either, I could only ever dream of moments like this. Sometimes I would dream of becoming an animatronic just to be with you all the time, kind of like your dream of me joining the band. But now, we can love each other like this..... but it still doesn't feel like it's enough." I lay my head back down on his chest as I feel the pain I feel in my chest when I begin to feel hopeless. "I wish I didn't have to love you in private, I wish there was some other world we can go to.... I want to be completely alone with you"

"I hate seeing you like this....." he whimpers out. I look up at him, through my tears I manage to see him crying as well. He gently picks me up placing me by his side before he rolls over to face me. He slowly grab my left hand holding it close to his heart before grabbing the back of my head, leaning in for a soft passionate kiss. My eyes close as I let my body relax in his grasp. Still with my hand in his he puts his arm around my waist pulling me in closer to him. All the worries I had before start to slip my mind as I feel protected and safe in his arms. His tongue exploring my mouth as my heart beat begins to accelerate before completely matching his. I-is this what true love is.... he makes me feel so safe and happy, and our hearts are completely in tune right now. He gently pulls away, we both seem to open our eyes at the same time.

"For now, I am just grateful for the time we have together. All this information I have in my head, couples going on vacations together.... Going to movies and these things called dates. I want that with you so bad, but at the same time. I can't imagine being any happier than when I am holding you in my arms." He says before leaning in to kiss my forehead. He pull away looking at me again, his eyes once filled with sadness and anger back to the love filled eyes I know so well. The eyes then give me butterflies, the eyes that make me feel like I'm the only one in the world, the eyes that make my heart feel warm.

"Before I was really hurting.... I was on top of you and crying, I got that feeling in my chest I get when I feel hopeless. Then you held me tight in your arms and kissed my lips so delicately..... it's like all my worries faded away" I sniffle out before nuzzling my face into his chest, letting the warmth of his body embrace me.

"I like when you do that, it makes me feel happy you want to be around me so much. It also makes me feel like I can protect you even better when ur all cuddled up in my chest and arms" he says gently petting my back. His warm soft fur rubbing around my face comforting me even further.

"Don't worry, I could stay like this forever"

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