The Firebending Masters (Aang X)

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A/N: (Aang X Chapter)

The Air Temple at night is one of my favorite sights. I scratch Appa's head before joining the other's at the fire and grabbing myself a bowl. Zuko is leaning on a column with his arms crossed, looking down and thinking deeply. He turns his head to the campfire where we're all settled for dinner, and walks toward us. Nimu sits in my lap as Katara hands out dinner.

"Listen everybody, I've got some pretty bad news. I've lost my stuff. " He says and I raise a thin brow.

"Don't look at me, I didn't touch your stuff." Toph mumbles.

"I'm talking about my firebending. It's gone." He explains.

Katara burst out in laughter, and everyone's attention becomes focused on her. Zuko looks at the waterbender with an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know, how it would've been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago." She mutters and I smirk in agreement. 

"Well, it's not lost. It's just ... weaker for some reason." He says.

"Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are." Kat retorts raising her bowl to her mouth and I giggle.

"Ouch." Toph smiles.

"I bet it's because I changed sides." Zuko mumbles.

"That's ridiculous." I mutter and he glares at me.

"I don't know. Maybe it isn't. Maybe your firebending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to." Aang suggests.

"Sooo, all we need to do is make Zuko angry. Easy enough." Sokka suggests and begins poking him with his sword hilt.

"Okay, cut it out!" He screams before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Look, even if you're right, I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore. There has to be another way."

"You're gonna need to learn to draw your firebending from a different source. I recommend the original source." Toph suggests.

"How's he supposed to do that‌? By jumping into a volcano‌?" Sokka teases.

"No. Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is." She explains.

"So, is it jumping into a volcano?" Sokka asks.

"I don't know. For Earthbending, the original benders were the badger moles. One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. That's where I met them. They're blind, just like me so we understood each other. I was able to learn earthbending not just as a martial art but as an extension of my senses. For them, the original earthbenders it wasn't just about fighting. It was their way of interacting with the world.

"That's amazing Toph." I say bemused.

"I learned from the monks, but the original airbenders were the sky bison. Maybe you could give me a lesson sometime, buddy." Aang smiles at Appa who growls.

"Unfortunately the original firebenders were the dragons and they're extinct."

"What do you mean‌? Roku had a dragon, and there were plenty of dragons when I was a kid." Aang pipes up.

"Well, they aren't around anymore, okay?" He shouts.

"Okay, Okay. Sorry."

"But maybe there's another way. The first people to learn from the dragons were the ancient Sun Warriors."

"Sun Warriors? Well, I know they weren't around when I was a kid." Aang mutters.

"No, they died off thousands of years ago. But their civilization wasn't too far from where we are now. Maybe we can learn something by poking around their ruins."

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