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♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

"So, you are Adelia," Linda says jumping on the couch.

She must have finished her work. That's cool.

I might pee my pants, but you know, that's cool.

"Yep," I was about to laugh when I realised that might not be the best option. She laughs like a normal person, I sound like a truck beeping.

I know that because they were all laughing while I was bullying nine-year-olds on Roblox with Zeke's iMac.

"You know Sindee?" she suddenly asks and I nod, wondering what she is going to ask. "She has a younger sister, Sophie, you'll get along with her,"

I smile widely, "Really? Why do you say that?"

"You're both, you know," she gestures something, that means nothing, with her hands.

I tilt my head, "I don't get it,"


"Oh," I look down to find Milo under the table sleeping. I take a slight breath before looking back at her with a grin.

"Anyway! What are you to Zeke?"

I clear my throat, she's allowed to call him that too? "Are you his friend?" she continues.

"No, he's my best friend," I tell her and she raises an eyebrow.

"Best friends you say?" she smiles kicking her feet up onto the couch and crossing them.

A best friend that I like, so I dare you to get comfy with him you horn dog.

I'm sorry, that is so rude. I'm sorry.

I'm not.

"Best friends my ass," Seth mumbles and takes a sip of his beer.

"I hope you have the worst hangover in eternity," I tell him when he pokes out his tongue.

"And I hope there are no pills that would help the headache," he opens his mouth slightly but then starts glaring at me.

"Oh, I'm so punching you in the throat," I flip him off with my index finger.

He gasps in shock, I smile as he pretends to be offended.

"She flipped me off!" he shouts through the house as the others enter the living room.

"Good," Zeke says to Seth and lays his head on my lap.

"See! Best friends my ass!" he counters, and I sigh.

"What butt?" Oh yeah, I went there.

"The butt you wish you had,"

"That's enough! Someone hold me back otherwise he is going to lose the so called 'butt' he has," I jump up from my seat, Zeke groans, frustrated in the process.

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