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♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

"Oh. My. God." Adelia squeals, jumping up and down. "I love it! I love it, oh my god!"

She's looking at Milo like his her world and it makes me wanna throw him outside to become a stray cat. Again.

He survived once, he can do it again.

If I said that out loud, I would've gotten thrown out. But she loves me too much to leave me.

"What do you love?"

She pats the floor next to her, gesturing for me to come over. "Milos new look!"

"He's literally wearing a mushroom costume,"

"At least he can suit mushroom costumes," she glares at me before kissing my cheek. I scoff at her comment because let's be real, I would look fucking great in a mushroom costume. Or anything, in that matter.

"I look good in one."

She hums, not even listening.


She hums again.

"Are you listening?"

The same sound comes from her lips.

"We're kicking Milo out,"

She hums. She turns to me, eyes wide before jumping on me unexpectedly. "Why would you say that!" She asks as I catch her, my hands on her ass.

"I wasn't the one who agreed," I narrow my eyes at her. "I don't like when you ignore me. Don't do it again,"

"This lovey dovey stuff is getting old, just get married and leave already!" Kayden groans from the couch.

"You and dad live in my house," I deadpan.

Adelia gasps, "They do?"

"Yes. They live further away from the store, so dads been staying here for the past 8 months to drive every morning. I thought you knew?"

"It's been 8 months!" She gasps dramatically again.

I nod. "Yes?"

"Oh my God, it's nearly your birthday!" she's holding my face in her hands, her eyes brightening, "that's so exciting!"

I grunt.

"I'm really sad dad is thinking of selling Cookie Man because it's gotten dangerous," Kayden sighs as Adelia tenses. She looks at me with a frown.

"He's selling it?"

I make a noise at the back of my throat, only confirming her answer. "Oh," she mumbles, "why?"

"Dad wants to move back to our house because it's getting more dangerous. Some Italians are coming for-" I shut Kayden up by throwing a shoe at the back of his head. She doesn't need to stress about this.

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