25: Pick A Side

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"No." "You don't have a choice," Amelia tells Yelena. "Not any more so get on the god damn jet before I drag you on there myself!" She was not playing today in no mood for Yelena's shit. "You've failed so far." "Now my sister's safety is at stake so if you want to go there let's go there." She challenged. Yelena kept a firm face not moving. Amelia wasted no time and after a long fight Amelia was pulling a resistant Yelena onto the jet she was still fighting her but she didn't pay her attempts no mind. 

"Quit it!" Amelia shoved Yelena harshly onto a seat. "I don't want to be here." "Too bad." She pushed her back down onto the seat and strapped her in, Yelena hit her in the face and Tony went to step in but Amelia simply locked her arms into the cuffs on her chair. "I'm in no mood." She warned before walking away into the back. "What are you looking at?" She asked me harshly. "We're trying to save your ass," I tell her going to find Amelia.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Your sister hits like you." She said wiping the blood off her lip in the mirror. "And that is super strong?" "Like bitch." She teased looking at me through the mirror. "You really wasn't messing today was you?" "I told you I'm tired and morgan's on this jet. I was not waiting around wasting time talking to her. We played nice it didn't work." She dipped the cloth in the water before dapping it on her lip.

"Can I help?" I asked. "I've patched up a bust lip before... Maybe help your sister." "Bruce is out there," I tell her taking the cloth, she sat on the counter and I locked the door. "How can you forgive me but she can't?" I asked turning my attention to her as I cleaned up her cuts from the girl's intense fight. "Because you're her sister... You left her... I was just a friend." She says softly. "Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" I asked making eye contact with her. "I don't know, I hope so." "Why?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I can't read minds remember." I pinched her chin to hold her still whilst I cleaned the cut by her eye she flinched at the pain but held still after the initial contact. "I don't want to hate you anymore, I told you already." I put the cloth down on the counter, I just take her in, every inch of her face. "I don't want you to hate me anymore either," I whispered leaning in but she stopped me before I could connect our lips. "No." "Why?" "Because this isn't what we do. We do this to get rid of our frustrations not just when we feel like it." She says "I'm frustrated." I say simply she just raised her eyebrow at me. "Yelena's here, that's enough to frustrate me." "Are you finished with my face?" She asked and I nodded stepping back and she climbed down.

"What's next?" I asked her she tilted her head. "You have a plan I assume... You are your father's daughter after all." "My plan is to go to bed and hold my sister so tight." I smiled. That's all I wanted. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad." She says. "You can borrow Peter he gives good hugs." "He does?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, tight and protective." I followed her out o the bathroom.

"Traitor." Yelena shot in our direction. "We could have left you. You know." "Natasha's speciality." "Grow up." Amelia snapped turning to face Yelena who was stuck in her seat. "This isn't you." She said slow and clearly. "You can't make us believe that it is. You're not a cold-hearted machine. You're Lena our friend her sister and I know you missed her and I know you want to forgive her so grow up and do it. Or you can just shut up and stay silent because I'm running extremely low on patients right now, very, very low and if you keep pushing I will react and you will not like that very much. Not one bit so what will it be?" She asked, everyone else in the small space was silent. Yelena looked at me with eyes that were ready to kill. "I'm waiting," Amelia said getting her attention again. She didn't say anything. "Very well." She walked away into the sleeping quarters and then I didn't see her for the rest of the night.


"You really think us all being here is the safest place?" Thor asked Fury as we walked into the compound. We left in such a rush the movie room was still playing sound and the kitchen was still a mess from dinner. "This is where you're familiar, you have the upper hand here." He told us all. Amelia looked unsure. We all were this was where we were most vulnerable to him. He knew exactly where to find us here.

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