• Honeymoon •

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A/N: The title suggests their first night as newly wedded couple... but I didn't put any smut in here... simply because..

I haven't tried writing one.

I don't know how to write one so please bear with this one. thank you 🥰❤️

So, here yah go, my loves. ❤️

That night as soon as we entered the hotel suite, we almost fight again because of Kita Shinsuke.

I told Tsumu that I wanted him to distance himself from the engineer but he refused saying that the silver haired guy is part of his team.

I got so mad that our supposed to be sweet, romantic honeymoon ended up so rough.

The thought of having someone who wants to date Tsumu brings frustration to me.

That night, I kept expressing how painful it is to realize that someone could actually have Atsumu aside from me.

Though Tsumu ensured me that he belongs to me alone, I couldn't deny the fact that I have my faults for leaving him behind, that I made a lot of mistakes that time....

All I did is for his sake and safety back then. I have no other choice but to let go... But of course, I have deprived him of the truth...

I don't blame him anyhow.... but my negative thoughts makes me overthink things...

I wonder if Atsumu really did end up dating someone else... would I be able to go on?

Would I be able to face the truth?

Am I still deserving to have him even if I made immature decision back then?

Am I still the one for him?

I question myself... that I just cried thinking about all these things. Tsumu was there worriedly sitting in front of me, calming me down, comforting me.

As soon as I calm down, the only thought running into my head is to have Atsumu all for my own. So I pushed him so hard into the bed that he winced in shock.

Instead of a romantic intercourse, I ended up hurting Tsumu more than I expected with every thrust I made that night.

It's painful seeing him wince in pain, but I let my emotion get the best of me.

I woke up with Atsumu in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

Tears flowed down into my face as I stare at him. He's so beautiful.

If Tsumu didn't keep holding on to me and his feelings for me, would it be possible for us to be together?

It isn't about the effort I made to come back, but it's all thanks to the love he continued dedicating me even if I'm away from him.

It's frustrating... It's devastating. Feeling like I'm lucky to have him, but is he lucky to have me? It tears me up badly.

I slowly removed my arm away from him trying my best not to wake him up. I sat down in bed.

I covered my face with my palms trying to control my tears which trail down into the white blanket covering our naked bodies.

How I long to spend my mornings with him.....

I felt his hands into mine as he try to remove them from my face.

Once he successfully done that, he looked at me with his concerned look and I quickly averted my eyes, still sniffing.

"Omi-Omi... Why..are you..crying, Baby?" he asked softly as I felt him sat up in bed and scoot over to me.

"I'm.. sorry, Tsumu... I couldn't shake away the thoughts running in my head.... I.."

"I'm yours alone, okay?" he replied as he slowly put his arms around me.

I sniffed into his naked shoulder. Atsumu is the stronger one... he never gave up on me... and all I did is to doubt his feelings for me..

I love him... I love him so much that I couldn't bear to lose him again...

Atsumu waited for me because he loves me... He never chooses anyone else, that's why we're together right now and gonna spend the rest of our lives together.

"I love you, my Atsu."

"I love you so much, my Omi."

He wasn't able to walk for the next few days and I felt sorry about it.

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