• Beach •

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Akiteru met Atsumu's entire family including Osamu, Rintarō, and Yuuki during his first visit.

Akiteru felt comfortable around these people, and seeing Atsumu laugh with his family, you would think he isn't suffering from any anxiety. It is a relief though.

His conversation with Sakusa went well and it makes the doctor at ease. His requests are granted by the lawyer, which is entirely one of the factors he have for their sessions

After his conversation with Sakusa, he left the house with a happy outlook towards Atsumu's condition...

He picked up his wife and informing her of the outing for tomorrow... She gladly said she'll be joining to meet her husband's new client.

Once they arrived home, Akiteru called his brother, Kei and invited him over to join them.

The older almost begged to his younger brother just to come and eventually the salty Tsukishima agreed after 3 hours of pleading, 48 minutes of call, 22 spam messages, and 36 voice mails.

Sakusa rented an half of the beach resort for the family outing. Surprisingly, there are lots of people whom Atsumu invited over.

Akagi, Komori, and their daughter, Korie, also arrived as Komori gave Sakusa the warmest hug.

"Aaaah... I can't really believe that you're married, Kiyoo... You're so indenial few years ago.. and now... you're building your own family-" Komori said wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

His husband, Akagi, chuckled at this comment

"You've been saying that since our wedding, Motoya..." Sakusa replied with a smirk on his face.


Tadashi and Kenma are there, too, together with Tobio and Shoyo. Shoyo forced his boyfriend to drive them though Tobio hesitantly agreed to bring Tadashi and Kenma to the resort. Tobio wanted a quality time with his sunshine, but failed with Shoyo's request, though Tobio enjoyed the smiling face of the tangerine during the car ride.

Akiteru brought his wife, and his brother arrived few minutes afterwards wearing his very friendly.....

camera 😂

They settled in the cottage as Atsumu gladly carried Baby Mitsuki, while Suga carry Baby Hoshiko near the seashore.

Their attention was caught by an owl head running into the shoreline followed by a shorter black haired guy.

Atsumu furrowed his brows, squinting his eyes, trying to see the noisy two toned haired guy assuring himself that he knew him.

"Bokuto-san!!!! Wait!!! No! Don't jump into the water yet!" Akaashi yelled loudly pulling Bokuto's blue hawaiian opened shirt exposing the older's muscular chest and toned abs.

"But- But.... But- Kaashi!!! The ocean! The ocean is beautiful..." Bokuto answered yelling back as he continuously take a step into the shoreline making it only a step away from the bluish water.

"N...No.. No.. Wait.. Bokuto-san...! Stop this or else... I'll.. I'll... go back to Shizuoka without you... I.. I'll..." Akaashi said pulling harder than ever.

Bokuto stopped on his track and just stood there, his feet are almost sinking into the sand as the wave of the ocean stroke them.

"Y...You'll leave me here, Kaashi?" the gray haired owl asked sadly facing the shorter guy

Akaashi frowned and kept quiet as he let go of the other's shirt..

Bokuto stared at Akaashi.
"Akaashi... You'll leave me here in Tokyo and go back without me?" Bokuto asked almost crying now as he held both Akaashi's hand.

The black haired gazed away... shocked of what he had said earlier...

He shook his head and stared at his feet covered with the golden sand of the beach

"N..No.. I won't.. You know I won't, Bokuto-san... But you need to listen to me, okay?" Akaashi answered and looked up at his co-worker.

Bokuto pulled Akaashi for a hug.
"Sorry, Kaashi... I'm just so excited." Bokuto replied as he turned his back to Akaashi.

The owl head stared at the beach again..
"Can.. Can I go swimming now, Kaashi?"

"No.. Please... Not this again.. You need to change your clothes and-."

Bokuto quickly removed his shirt and handed them to Akaashi. The head of the security almost jumped into the water but was pulled by Akaashi as the latter wrapped his arms around Bokuto... The receptionist blushed tremendously as his face is buried to Bokuto's back.

"Ohhh!!! It's Akaashi-san!!!!!!" Hinata yelled loudly, making Akaashi looked at the orange hair and release his tight grip to Bokuto making the owl head fall into the water face first.

Akaashi quickly covered his mouth trying to suppress his laughter.

"KAASHI!!!!" Bokuto complained as he slowly crawled back into the sandy shore.

"Sorry, Bokuto-san... it's just... I..a..." Akaashi stuttered chuckling

"Akaashi-san!!!! It's me! Shoyo Hinata!!!! Remember me?!" the tangerine greeted as he run towards them.

"Of course.... You're friends with Architect Miya-san" Akaashi answered trying his best to contain his composure.

"They are here, too... Like a family outing!!!! Come with me, I'll introduce my boyfriend to you, Akaashi-san, Bokuto-san..." Hinata grabbed Akaashi's hand and pulled the black haired guy towards their cottage as Bokuto tried to follow the energetic orange.

"Atsumu-san!!!!! Look! Akaashi-san, and Bokuto-san are here!!!!!!" Hinata yelled loudly catching the others' attention as well, and letting go of Akaashi's wrist.

Hinata jumped up and down in excitement.

"Wa..Wait.. Hi, Sir." Akaashi greeted as he bowed his head.

"Oooooh!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Hi... How are ye, Akaashi-san?" Atsumu greeted.

Akaashi's eyes dropped to Mitsuki as Atsumu carry the baby in his arms.

"Oh.. This is my daughter, Mitsuki..." Atsumu proudly introduced.
"And this is Hoshiko." he pointed as Sugawara walked closer.

"They're... so cute... Anyways.. I'm doing just fine.. We are, I mean.." Akaashi said as he felt Bokuto's fingers intertwined with his.

Atsumu gets the message and smiled broadly.
"Want to join us?" Atsumu asked as he pointed into their cottage.

"Nah.. Actually... We have pre-nup photoshoot in the nearby resort so... we couldn't stay..." Bokuto said tightening the grip into Akaashi's hand.

Both of them blushing.

"Yes.. We'll go on ahead, Atsumu-san." Akaashi said smiling as he glance at his fiancé.

"Wait... They already left!!!! They haven't meet my Tobio yet!!!!" Shoyo shouted loudly making everyone laughed

The day is just getting started, yet the smiles on Atsumu's face make Sakusa's heart flip in joy as well.

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