• Commotion •

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"When are you going to get over the fact that that night wasn't a mistake?" Kita Shinsuke said after some dreadful silence inside the living room

Aran looked at him dismayed and have this shameful expression. He didn't expected this... He didn't sign up for this...

He froze in his feet, uncertain of what to do or say.

The other three people inside the room clenched their fist tightly, Daichi keeping his composure intact being the eldest in the group. Rin is keeping it a little calmer than Sakusa, too. Well, Sakusa is Atsumu's wedded husband so there's no shock to Kiyoomi's intense reaction.

In Rin and Daichi's profession, they both learned to keep calm than others, respond accordingly to situation, think logically, and perform what is expected from the peace-makers. They bring peace not trouble, though the situation is dire, they wouldn't do anything to cause more abruption.

"Well, I believe these two are police officers... Rintarō Suna-Miya and whoever you are.... You two are quick to act, but don't act on instinct alone, you act on law... That's being smart" Kita said out of nowhere.

"Stop this nonsense, Kita! We decided to go here to-" Aran shouted stopping the engineer spitting nonsensical stuff in this situation they are actually in.

Two police- officers, and a well-known lawyer who have never been defeated in court, Aran thought, did Kita really want to be in great trouble?! Well they already are in appalling situation! Nothing could go worst... nothing should go worst! Aran continued with his thoughts.

Aran was cut from his deep thoughts as the fox-like guy breaks the silence.

"What do you want?" Rintarō spoke firmly. He knew, he couldn't attack or harass civilians, nor talk to them accusingly...

"Kita... Come on... Dammit!" Aran nervously said holding Kita's right shoulder.

The engineer stared at the three.
"Well, just so you know, Sakusa... I tasted each part of your husband... he taste so good-"

"Dammit! Kita!!! This isn't what we-" Aran protested wildly as he pulled Kita's shoulder roughly.

The shorter one glared at him and shrugged the other's arm.

Sakusa gritted his teeth and lunge forward to give the jerk in front of him a piece of his fist.

The two officers quickly moved and held both Sakusa's arms, making Kiyoomi halt midway to Kita.

"I have licked and tasted Atsumu's lips, neck, chest, thighs, fingers... everything... you know what... I don't mind sharing... If you don't mind as well." Kita said smirking gaining dreadful stares from everyone even his own friend.

"That's.. That's uncalled for.." Daichi reacted and held Sakusa's shoulder tightly

"WHY ARE YOU STOPPING ME?!?! THIS BASTARD... RAPED MY...-" Sakusa's anger boiled up that he almost push the two behind him.

"Raped? He came with me willingly...." Kita disrupted Sakusa.

"YOU..... BASTARD!" Sakusa cursed loudly.

"This is just a warning... Both of you leave this premises in peace..." Rintarō said towards Aran

"We.. will.. come on, Kita..." Aran tried convincing the engineer to leave.

Kita stood firm and didn't even listen.

"Listen, it's not too late to leave... just leave-" Daichi tried to explain but was stopped by Kita

"You'll gonna use this incident to file another report against me, right? I'm full aware. A lawyer, and the head of police department, what can I say, you and Sakusa are two tough boulders... Let's just say, Officer, I don't really care."

"Kita!" Aran shouted as he knew Kita crossed the line this time...

"Will you please shut up, Aran! Let me handle th-" Kita protested

"You're handling it badly!!!" Aran yelled almost screaming at Kita's face.

"You don't have the right to tell me what to-" he stopped as he felt a slightly heavy slap on his face from his ex-boyfriend.

He looked at the floor for a moment and raised his head back glaring at Aran

Aran stepped back. Those eyes are scary enough to poke holes into his head... He stood away, sweats escaping from his pores... Cold sweats...

Shocked, Sakusa and the others just watched all it happens.

Sakusa tensed up with all these bullshit engineer standing in front of him

"Kiyoo, relax.. Let us handle this... Don't put justice in your hands, we'll settle this according to law." Rintarō assured Sakusa as he lightly let go of the other's arm.

Sakusa stood there, trying his best to control himself... But one word against his husband again might triggered him... so he clenched his fist tightly enough to keep his composure.

"You know.... I suggest you leave right now... The damage you've cause is more than enough... Everything you will do might be used against you... so.." Rin said firmly

"I'm full aware of that, Rintarō-kun." Kita answered calmly. "Anything I say will be used and be addressed in the warrant you'll be sending me within... hmm.. a week, I guess... because you believe the RO, which will be presented in my door, maybe in a day, will be enough to at least stop me from doing all this shit! Ain't that right?" Kita said crossing his arms

Rintarō froze... This guy knew the police stuff... He thought.

"YOU....." Sakusa quivered and walked briskly towards the silver haired guy...

Daichi held him pulling him back as Rintarō still froze at the moment.
"Calm down.. Don't let him.. mock you..."

Rintarō cut short on his thoughts hearing his subordinate.

"What I said... are the things I really wanted to say.... but that's fucking stupid... because I fucking hate you both ...."

Everyone in the room were stunned. Their jaws dropped listening to the small engineer.

"Wh.. What .. do you..." Sakusa stuttered

"Nothing happened." Kita replied briefly

Aran let out a breath he has been holding for quite a while now.

"How could I do something erotic to someone who kept calling "Omi" even in his delirious state?.. That's bullshit... So, I eventually stopped and just curse you both." Kita admitted without flinching or even doubts in his tone.

"But.. I found you both-" Sakusa tried to point out what he witnessed

"Nothing happened..." the engineer insisted without looking away from Sakusa

"If you're lying about this... just to lessen the sentence to be given, doing this won't help you! When proven to be falsified,  you'll-" Rin tried speaking the law but was ceased again by the engineer.

"I know that, Rintarō.. I'm not lying though... I don't care whatsoever. Besides, I didn't agree to go here to beg for anyone's forgiveness... I came here to just inform Sakusa and Atsumu the truth which I deprived them... I don't want to bring guilt into my grave..."

With that, Kita turned away and Aran is so stunned to speak, so he just bowed his head to the others and followed his best friend...

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