• Dr. Tsukishima •

136 17 42

The couple drove for more or less 30 minutes from the district hospital in Tokyo to Chiba.

Dr. Ennoshita is very nice enough to spare them the address of this doctor who works at his hometown.

They halted in front of a gate with a house nameplate of Tsukishima.

Atsumu went off the car and held his husband's hand as they ring the door bell.

The gate was opened by a tall, probably 6 ft. tall, blond, wearing eyeglasses and stoic expression.

"Yes? How may... I help you?" the blond asked keeping the magazine he's holding into his back.

"Ahmmm. Good afternoon. We are looking for Dr. Tsukishima... Do we get the correct one?" Sakusa replied

"The nameplate says Tsukishima... So probably, you got it right, I think." the guy answered and smirked.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi looked at each other puzzled.

"I am actually asking you politely so I don't think-" Kiyoomi stopped as he felt Atsumu's hand tightly wrapped around his arm.

"We... Dr. Ennoshita said you'll be expecting us..." Atsumu said with a little smile on his face.

The tall natural blond nodded and replied

"Come in."

They walked inside the house, and was offered a seat in the living room.

In Sakusa's mind, he got the doubt if this Tsukishima guy could actually be of help to his husband.. The tall doctor got this annoying personality which Sakusa think isn't suitable giving therapies and advise to his patients. It's disturbing really especially that the guy is actually kinda rude.

Eventually, Kiyoomi's been pulled back to reality as Atsumu squeeze his hand and by the voice coming from the door in the living room.

"Sorry for waiting.. I hope my brother didn't treated you rudely." a tall blond guy with smiling face sat on the chair in front of the couple.

Kiyoomi stared at him and furrowed his brows. The ravenette glanced at his husband and the guy who just greeted them.

"Ah.. No. We're good. I.. Ah.. I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi and this is my husband, Atsumu Miya-Sakusa." Kiyoomi introduced themselves and bowed his head afterwards.

Atsumu bowed his head as well and gave a smile.

"I know.. Enno called me earlier... I hope you don't assume by brother, Kei, to be the doctor... well if you do, that's unfortunate... with his distant and salty behavior, the patients would probably run away... but mind you, Kei is really good at photography... He's a professional photographer..."

Kiyoo and Atsu looked amused at how this guy just tell his life to them who are total strangers.

"Stop blabbering 'bout me nii-san..." the tall blond guy earlier blurted as he walked inside the living room and quickly left afterwards.

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