• Agreement •

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"First of all, I am not the best doctor in the place. I don't have outstanding performance in the field. I don't work in a prestigious hospital or even created a name for myself in this career. I am honestly kicked out of the district hospital for conducting my own procedure of psychological services which I proposed but declined but still implemented-" Akiteru explained to Kiyoomi as they sat steadily in the living room after Atsumu left the room.

"Kicked out? I thought... you resigned according to Dr. Ennoshita?" Kiyoomi interrupted as he slowly lifted his head towards the doctor.

"He what? Tsk. I told him to stop telling that old as a fairytale story to patients... Don't get the wrong idea, Sakusa-kun... I resigned and comes back to the hospital..then they kicked me out for some valid, as they say, reasons.. I don't want to sugarcoat anything about me.... Do you mind if I continue?" Akiteru answered which make Sakusa stare at him.

The black haired lawyer shook his head and sat properly in the couch listening to the cheery, now serious doctor in front of him.

"I don't offer special treatment nor provide the best and assured procedure. I conduct the therapy depending on the person, the family, and his environment. You see, Sakusa- kun, I cannot assure you anything at the moment. Maybe you are wondering why I'm telling you my flaws instead of boosting it up to ensure that you still hire me as a private therapist for Atsumu-kun. I am telling you all this because I want you to make your choice regarding this matter as early as now. Here is the list of all the best doctors in Japan and nearby countries" the doctor slowly lifted his hand holding a folder and offer it Sakusa who hesitantly reached for it.

Sakusa opened the folder and one by
one, his eyes was drawn into different names and hospitals all over Japan. He can assume that there are more or less a hundred names in this document consisting of few pieces of paper.

"You can make a choice and contact them for early notice. I won't tell you to call them or anything, I just want you to have choices if ever my ways aren't working or you're having doubts about me right now." Akiteru smiled and Sakusa lifted his glued face from the folder in his hands.

He thought for a while staring at the doctor who is wearing a confident smile.

Is he smiling because he's confident about his skills or is he smiling to show that he isn't afraid of losing a client? Sakusa thought to himself..

"What's the... probability of success for your steps?" Sakusa asked as he placed the folder beside him on the couch

"I couldn't say actually... but probably there is more or less 65%"

Sakusa smirked
"That's beyond 50%. I'm willing to take that risk."

"What? Wait... I think you should give thought to all the facts I gave you earlier." Akiteru gasped as he stood and flinched a little as his knees bumped into the center table making him fell into his seat again.

"Are you alright, Akiteru-san?" Sakusa asked

The blond nodded.

"Tell me, how many months would it take for Atsumu to be fully treated?" Sakusa inquired again leaning a little to the table.

"Like what I told you, it depends on the experiences and his environment." Akiteru answered rubbing his knees with his palms to ease the stinging pain on them.

"What about your previous clients?" Sakusa asked curiously without looking away from the doctor.... He wanted an honest answer...

"It ranges from 3 months at the very least to a year. But that varies, I couldn't say for certain. I want you to reconsider everything." Akiteru said leaning back to the couch, gulping all the pain he is feeling at the moment.

"Tsumu seems to like you, and I am putting my entire trust on you since I'm taking the 65% you have mentioned." Sakusa concluded and smiled after a long discussion of possibilities with Dr. Tsukishima.

"Sakusa- kun, you're aware why I don't want to use doctor as honorifics, right?" Akiteru asked all of a sudden.

"I have a hunch. Though I prefer to personally hear it from you." the lawyer honestly answered and take from the table the half full glass of orange juice. He took a sip and stared back at the doctor.

"I have been sued ones by a patient a few years ago. I didn't force her to take the sessions, but according to her family, she committed suicide because of my treatment. This is the reason why I was kicked out.... But, my license is still valid.... You're a lawyer, I am fully aware. But I am not only telling this to you since that's the case, but I am also telling this to all my patients and their family whether they are prominent or not.. That's just the way I am. This is also the same reason why I don't let my patients address me as 'doctor' aside from what I said that I want them to be comfortable around me... "

"Well, since you gave me the choice, and no one's forcing me into this, I am willing to give it a shot. I'm giving you the consent for the next three months. Three months won't be too long, after that period, I'll make my final decision about this, Akiteru- san." the lawyer firmly said and eyed the folder he placed on his side

"Alright. That's the agreement for now. Thank you, Sakusa-kun"

"So, what else do you want to discuss about?" Sakusa asked again

"I'm giving you the full details tomorrow once I see your place and your family." Dr. Tsukishima briefly answered smiling to the lawyer.

"Ah.. I see.. So, I guess..." Sakusa said and offered a hand for a handshake.

"I won't let you regret this decision, Sakusa- kun."

"I know." Sakusa answered shortly and gave a smile to the doctor

"Maybe, it's better if you get Atsumu, and head home to rest. My brother isn't really good with people. He isn't patient towards others that's why he's still single... He treats his photography subjects better; I can tell you that." Akiteru suggested chuckling a little as he mention his brother.

"Okay. Thank you."


Sorry, I just updated after 6 days... after that breakdown... I'm kinda upset and everything ..

I hope you still enjoy reading this... thank you my sunshines 🌞

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