• Genuine Happiness •

168 19 38

Before settling the fees with Akiteru, Atsumu asked a favor from Kiyoomi about something.

When Sakusa and Akiteru decided to privately talked about the fees the lawyer owes to the doctor, Atsumu entered the study room skip walked a little with mischievous smile on his face.

Both of them are sitting in a chair facing each other, a table in between.

Akiteru furrowed his brows a little and looked at Atsumu

"Are... you alright, Atsumu?" the doctor asked worriedly

"Yes.. Well... Akiteru-san... I just want to personally thank you for all the help you've done for me. You've been the best doctor, and friend to us. Thank you so much" Atsumu said bowing his head and handing a small white envelope.

The doctor looked at Atsumu and then at Kiyoomi with a little confusion.

"I.. Ah.. You don't need to give me anything, Atsumu.. It's my job.." Akiteru answered

Atsumu lifted his head and looked at the doctor.
"But, I insist.".

"Please accept it, Akiteru-san" Kiyoomi requested as the lawyer smiled

"Well... Okay then... I'll open it later. Thank you, Atsumu." the doctor replied bowing his head.

He kept the envelope into his pocket as Atsumu leave the two to talk

After their conversation, Kiyoomi and Akiteru saw Atsumu waiting at the couch in the living room

"Have you opened it?" Atsumu asked gleefully jumping from his seat.

Just then, Akiteru remembered the envelope he put in his pocket. He reached for it and opened it.

His eyes widen in mixed emotion...

"We hope you and Saeko could spend a trip together, and finally have your own... you know... kids" Atsumu said teasingly with a playful wink.

"This is too much-" Akiteru replied almost returning the tickets inside the envelope and handing it back to Atsumu.

"It's not... That's how much we appreciate your help... Please, we insist." Kiyoomi replied tapping Akiteru's shoulder.

"Tha.. Thank you so much... I appreciate this gesture..." Akiteru smiled as tears build up in the corner of his eyes.

Atsumu pulled him for a tight hug.

The doctor left the house, and informed his wife about the trip to Hawaii set up by Sakusa and Atsumu. Saeko screamed in joy as Akiteru informed her through a phone call. She jumped in excitement since she really wanted to visit place.

Saeko also called Atsumu to thank him. Atsumu felt beyond happier knowing that Omi and him made them happy.


"Omi!!!! Kurama is running towards the door!!! Stop him!!" Atsumu yelled as both he and his husband run around to catch the orange dog running wildly inside the house.

Kiyoomi quickly runs to the door and the dog stopped midway, turns back just to be caught by Atsumu, lifting Kurama into the blond's arm.

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