• Reconciled •

215 18 15

A/N: This chapter is a little short...

Thanks for the votes, and comments... ❤️ Really appreciate it. 

So here yah go, my loves. ❤️

"I... ah.. I'm.. hmm... Omi.. I'm..." Atsumu stuttered as he continued fidgeting with his fingers.

"Sorry, Tsumu." Sakusa said staring at his husband

Atsumu, shocked with what he heard, turned his head to the black haired guy next to him.

"N..No... Why are you the one apologizing Omi?"

"I'm sorry if I startled you with what I said. I should have asked about it and not demand it"

"O..Omi... that's not... what.."

"I know it is so sudden... asking you to build a family with me may have been a shock to you..." Sakusa muttered

Atsumu furrowed his brows..

Omi probably thinks... negatively about himself.... Atsumu  thought to himself

"I'm sorry if I can't be the perfect husband, Tsumu... I have shortcomings and flaws so... I apologize to you.. Please forgi-"

"NO! OMI! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! I..." Atsumu uttered holding his husband's left hand staring directly on his eyes.

"Omi... You are my everything.... and you don't have to be perfect.... because I love you... I love the thought of building a family with you.... It's not that I hate the idea of kids...but-"

Omi furrowed his brows in confusion and Atsumu continued.
"I got scared... The first thought I had is I am not ready... I am not suitable to be a parent just yet ... that... I'll never be a good father to our child at this moment.... because I know it's a big responsibility which requires major adjustments..." he stopped and stared at Sakusa.

"And... I was... I didn't even consider what you would feel... that's why... I wanted to... say sorry, Omi... I'm sorry for keeping it to myself.. sorry for leaving the house without explaining myself..... and causing you to overthink things.. I'm sorry, Omi.." as the blond said the last sentence, he lowered his head.

"Tsumu, look at me please..."

Atsumu obliged and looked at his now crying husband.
"You'll be an amazing parent, Atsu... If you aren't ready yet you could have just told me, we can consider that next year or in two years, or three... Just don't ever leave me again... Atsu... Please..." Sakusa said sniffing.

Atsumu quickly wrapped his arms around Sakusa. The other responded as he placed his head into the blond's right shoulder and sobbed harder.

"I.. I'm sorry, Omi.. for what I have done... I'm so childish and immature...."

"It's.. fine.. Hearing your thoughts is more than enough... Next time, please... if something is bugging you, tell me... I'm your husband after all.."

Atsumu nodded tears rolling down his cheeks as well.

"Besides, taking care of you is like taking care of a 5-year old too." Sakusa chuckled and hugged his husband tighter.

"That's mean, Omi..."

"FINALLY! PEACE AND QUIET! Now kiss and make up!" Samu yelled chuckling as he peeked from the door holding taiyaki in both of his hands and smirking at the couple in the couch.

The two blushed in tomato red as they break the hug and sat looking at the younger twin awkwardly.

A/N (again): Guess we'll have to wait for more years before SakuAtsu Baby 1. 🤭

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