• Decision •

133 17 8

"Mako-san... I am very grateful for your offer. But, I can't come because I have little kids at home and I prefer to stay to look after them..." I said with my smiling face.

"Oh... That couldn't be helped then. I know how wonderful it is to spend time with family especially the kids." he replied

Mako-san is a 76 year-old retired soldier from US, and owns a lot of properties here in Japan. He is slightly bald but with kind expression on his face. His wife died few years back, and all his 4 children are abroad with their own families already.

We became acquainted few years ago during one of our mutual friend's party. He has always been kind to me and I see him as a father- figure since he knew the fact about my abusive, prisoned father.

"But the team is coming. My assistant, Tobio-kun, would be there."

"Ah.. That's good to know. Anyways... the project is going so well, and I appreciate your efforts."

"Thank you for trusting us with this, Mako-san."

"You're the best in the field so I'm lucky." he replied proudly.

"Please don't flutter me that much, Sir." I replied smiling.

"That's the truth... Oh, I have to go, Atsumu-kun. I still have a meeting at noon. Thank you for accommodating me in your busy schedule."

"Of course, Sir." I answered and offered him a handshake which he gladly obliged himself with.

I heard a knock on the door, and Engr. Kita entered with smug look on his face.

"Take a seat. What can I do for you, Kita-san?" I said pointing on the chair in front of my table opposite to me.

"You wouldn't come because of your husband, right?" He bursted out standing in front of my table.

"What? I don't-"

"He told you not to go because I was there, isn't it?" he angrily said and slammed the table with both of his palms.

I flinched. What's wrong with him?!

"What are you pointing out? I'm not coming because of my babies, besides it's not my obligation to answer any of your-" I tried explaining but was interrupted by him.

"Oh. Yeah? Be professional, Atsumu."

"I'm doing my job just fine. What's your problem anyway barging in my office and confronting me?" I asked raising my voice a little.

"I... You know what... Nevermind." he said storming out of the room and closing the office door loudly as he walked out.

Tobio-kun and Shoyo-kun entered the room with curious expression.

"What was that about, Sir? We saw Kita-san exiting in a very bad mood." Tobio-kun standing near the table.

"He confronted me about the trip."

"What?" Shoyo-kun loudly asked turning his head to me.

"Please, let's just keep this on our own, Tobio-kun, Shoyo-kun.. Don't ever mention this to Samu, especially to my husband.." I pleaded and sighed.

"But-" they said in unison with worried faces


"O..Okay..." Tobio-kun answered and nodded to his long time boyfriend.

"So, it's final then, you aren't coming, Sir." Tobio-kun asked

"Yes. Have fun there, alright?"

"It won't be fun without you, Sir." he replied

"That's so sweet of you, Tobio-kun." I teased and he turns bright red.

I can't deny the fact that Omi is one of the reasons why I decided not to come.

Three days ago, as I decided to ask permission from my husband, we had a little fight that night.


"But, Omi... That's part of my wor-"

"Part of work? That's a get together, a party! You have kids here at home... What? You'll just leave them just to enjoy some water?"

"Don't I deserve a break, Omi?!?"

"I can take you to a vacation myself... Why do you have to insist on going on that resort!?!"

"I told you, Mako-san did invite the entire team on-"

"You know why... I'm getting like this, right? You know exactly why I don't want you to go. So, why do you keep on insisting-"


"I trust you, okay? How many times do I have to tell you that!?"

"But...." I stopped and bit my lips..

I know, I told myself that I won't let Omi gets hurts... but I expected him to accept the fact that I have to be professional about this matter....

I looked at him expecting his emotionless expression, but instead all I saw was his red crying eyes.


"I.. I'm sorry if I'm like this... I can't help myself but to be insecure and worried... I... can't just get it myself, Tsumu ... I'm just so stupid when it comes to this kind of things... especially if it concerns about you... Tsumu... Please... don't leave me because I'm forcing you with the things I want..."

"Omi.. I.. I'm..."

"If you really need to join that, then I want the kids to stay with Osamu and Rintarō."

"Oh...Omi.. I... -" I breath heavily.

"Let Sugawara-san join them there."

"But... Omi.."

"I have to finish work tonight... I'll see you around... Just inform me the date of your departure and I'll help you pack your stuff." he said turning away.

"OMI! WAIT!" I said hugging him from behind.

"What is it, Tsumu?" he replied calmly, calmer but his eyes are still reddish and tears are visible in the corners of his eyes

"I'm sorry....Let me... just say.... I'm being so insensitive."

"That's good... At least you're aware..." he answered looking directly into my eyes

"Hah? Omi."

He sighed.
"I trust you, okay? It's so just difficult for me... so I have to vent it out... I'm sorry for shouting, Babe."

I stared at him bewildered. Omi actually is calmer now unlike earlier, he lowered his voice, and dried his tears.

"Omi... You know what... I'll not go... I would rather stay here with the kids, with you. I love you, Babe."

He smiled, caressed my face, and slowly kissed me on my lips.

I felt like melting. I'm so in love with you, Omi....

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