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This is a very short chapter I know... 🤔

The next part will be published maybe tomorrow... and I am really excited about the RO and Warrant of Arrest for Kita Shinsuke..

Please, keep tuning in..

Okay... Now I give you....

Chapter 30! Enjoy! ❤️


"Hello... Atsumu... Good evening to you." Mako-san said with a little gloomy tone through a phone call he made that night.

"I'm sorry Sir..
Tsumu is asleep already.. This is his husband, Kiyoomi..." Sakusa answered the phone knowing that this is one of Atsumu's clients.

"Oh... I just wanted to apologize to Atsumu.. to both of you... for what had happened in the resort... It was a shameful series of events... I held responsible for everything so... I'm sorry... I wanted to personally apologize but I'm still here in Thailand at the moment... once I get back, I hope I'll be allowed to visit you both.." the old sounded disappointed at himself.

"Don't worry about it, Sir... It's not your fault.. It's not anyone's fault.." Sakusa politely pointed out.

"I'm feeling guilty though..." Mako-san answered a little weakly

"Please, Sir... It's alright..." Sakusa replied with a calm tone.

"I'll go on ahead, Kiyoomi-kun... Thank you for entertaining an old man like me..."

"You are always welcome Sir."

The call ended up. Sakusa feels terrible with all that happened that afternoon... But he doesn't blame the client though

He's worried..

So worried about Atsumu.... especially when Suga mentioned something about how traumatized Atsumu is... which he noticed as well.. so they all decided to have Tsumu be checked by a psychiatrist... whom Daichi recommended.

Atsumu fell asleep as soon as they went upstairs during the commotion... maybe because of fear.. and terror..

While Osamu, upon hearing what conspired downstairs from his husband, lost his temper and shouted his thoughts loudly in the room.

Rin glanced at his husband pleadingly but failed.

Rintarō covers Yuuki's ears, though the kid tried removing them.  Rintarō just decided to take Yuuki outside for a walk and let Osamu vent out his anger.

"The nerves he got to even show up here!" he blurted angrily squeezing the cushions he's holding from the couch where he sits.

The younger twin grits his teeth in annoyance and trembled as well like he wanted to punch Kita's face...

"I'm sorry... Osamu-kun.. Sir Sakusa. It's my fault for letting them in... without consulting anyone...." Suga guiltily said as he truly understand his mistake.

Daichi is holding his boyfriend's shoulders from behind calming him down.

"No.. No... It's fine... Who would have even thought that thay guy has the courage to show his face after what he had done! He's a total bastard." Osamu yanked as he stood and walked to the door.

"We'll be heading home..." he announced.

"Okay... Be careful." Sakusa said without looking at his brother-in-law but stared into the floor and let out a heavy sigh of despair.

"I wish Kita Shinsuke dead..." Osamu simply said before walking out of the room.

The Sunas left the Sakusa's house after that.

"Maybe, it's better if you take some break, Suga..." Sakusa said as the three of them were left in the guestroom. He looked at them with his red eyes fresh from crying.

Daichi looked at his partner who was wearing his lonely expression.

"Ahmm..." Suga replied... "Let.. Let me stay.. Sir. Please.. Let me help you with the babies... I know you need someone to look  after them... I promise.. I'll do my best..."

"I know... you're doing enough.... but you two had been involved in our personal-" Sakusa tried to insist but stopped as the two others stared back at him

"We're friends... That's what Atsumu-kun said... We will help with everything we could" Daichi said patting Sakusa's shoulder as he walked near the bed where Sakusa is sitting beside Atsumu.

Atsumu is sleeping holding tightly to his husband's hands like he never wanted to let go...

The lawyer smiled though tears fell uncontrollably from his exhausted eyes.

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