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Hi! I am honestly enjoying writing this story... so yeah.. as you could notice, I updated three times today. 😅

Sorry about that..

I just enjoy this so much... And besides I don't know how to hurt Akaashi and Samu more in "Please, Stay" so... as you may have figured... I find hurting Omi and Atsu much easier than those other two...

Oops.. I said a lot...

Enjoy this chapter... ♥️

Love you.


Who.. Who are you?

Don't.. Don't touch me!!!!

I felt a throbbing pain in my head and my vision started to get blurry....


I know that voice! Kita-san?!

"Kita-san, is.... that... you?!" I asked

It's so dark.. My eyes are dropping slowly... my body slumped down and I can't get up

I'm so dizzy and my head is spinning badly

"Where.. Where am  I?" I panted

A hand pinned me down...

"Let go... Let go of me!!!" I screamed feeling the cold sensation from my wrists.

I felt weak and my breaths are getting tighter each time..

The cold feelings in my wrists fades away but I felt his hands into the hem of my shirt.

He lifted my top and I'm so weak to fight against it....

I felt his cold fingers into my body and I twitched.

"Stop... Please... No..."

I held into my pants as I felt his hands on it... I held it with all the force I have left... but failed. I felt his cold hands into my manhood... He rubbed it with his dreadful hands!!!

I tried... but failed.

"No.. Please.. No.. Stop..."

I tried opening my eyes but all I could see is a dark shadow hovering over me.

I felt a cold wet tongue into my neck down to my chest and nipples that I screamed with disgust...

He rubbed me down there again and I moaned in horror...

"Do you like it, Atsumu?" he asked with a terrifying voice

I flinched

"No.. Please... I don't.. want it..."

"You'll have fun with this, Tsumu..."

"Omi.. Omi... is that you?" I answered hysterically.

"Bullshit, Atsumu!" the shadow cursed loudly that I got scared.

He's not Omi... He's not..



We entered the room, and the babies are endlessly crying

Atsumu on the other hand is twitching into the couch and screaming..


Sir Sakusa quickly knelt down into the floor beside his husband and held the other's left shoulder shaking to wake the blond up.

"No.. Don't.. Don't touch me!!! Omi.... Omi... Please...  I need you, Omi! Help me!!!" Atsumu-kun yelled kicking in his feet, like he's trying to escape from something.. or someone.

Sakusa-kun caressed his husband's face but the other continued whimpering and calling Sir Sakusa's name whose face is painted with worry and terror.

"Atsumu.. Wake up... Tsumu!! I'm here!"

"Don't you touch me!!! Omi! Omi... Please... I... only need Omi... Don't!" the blond cry with a dreadful scream

It's uncanny.... and terrifying to see the joyful Atsumu-kun like this.


The blond flung his eyes opened and stared at Sakusa.

Atsumu wrapped his arms around his husband quickly as he could and pulled him closer to hug him tightly.

Tears are still covering his scared face.

"Omi... Omi..." he cried as he hugged tighter each time

"Help.. me... Omi... Omi... Please...."

The black haired obliged and hugged back to calm down his husband
"I'm here.. Tsumu.. Calm down... I'm here."

Sugawara attended to the babies who are crying nonstop in the crib.

Atsumu's breathing started to ease and Sakusa felt his husband's hoarse voice weakening and eventually the blond fell back asleep. Sakusa let go of his husband and cover the other with the blanket.

The black haired man stood and walked near the crib. He carried Mitsuki into his arms as Hoshiko is being carried by Suga.

The babies quiet down as soon as they lay their chocolate brown eyes out to their father.

"Suga.. Will you please contact Samu for me?" Sakusa asked calmly to their nanny as the twins quiet down and fall back to sleep as well.

"Okay, Sir." Suga replied as he put Hoshiko down and went out of the room to call the gray haired twin.

"Tsumu.. Our babies are worried, too..." Sakusa whispered as he lay Mitsuki down beside her brother.

Sakusa took a deep breath and walked beside Atsumu.. He stood there staring at his husband, he leaned down and kissed the other's forehead as tears slowly drift down from his face.

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