• Anniversary •

210 18 15

Everything went smoothly after that argument that we didn't realize how fast time passed by.

"Tsumu, happy 2nd wedding anniversary." I greeted early that morning as I handed him a bouquet of pink and white lily.

He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and stretched his arms before accepting the flowers from my hand.

He smiled sweetly and gave me a kiss in the cheek. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered "I Love You's" in his ear that he giggled each time.

"I prepared breakfast, Babe. Let's head downstairs." I offered.

"Okay, Babe. Thank you so much for this" he said as he grabbed his phone from the bedside table and took some photos

"I'll just attend a short meeting this morning so we can prepare for our dinner date, Babe. Anyways, my gift is in the paper bag upstairs, on top of the bed, Babe" Tsumu said as he kissed me to my lips and head out for work.

"Babe, you don't have to get me anything." I said facing him with a little pout.

"That can't do. I already have one." The blond said.
"Would you look at the time, I have to go.. I'll see you later, Babe."

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" I asked before he could open his car door.

"I'm fine! Enjoy your day off!" my husband waved and drive slowly.

I smiled to myself. I am so lucky having him as my partner... as my husband...

I entered the house and started cleaning the dishes, the floor, the tabletops, the cupboard, and everything else.

I checked my phone to see some notifications.
"It's just 10:16am.. Hmm.."

I opened the latest one. It's from Tsumu.
"Babe, I arrived at the venue. ❤️ I miss you already. I love you.

Tobio-kun is here with me."

"Be safe, Babe" I typed quickly and send it to him

He didn't reply, probably the meeting is already in session.

I decided to take a bath for I am feeling filthy with all the cleanings I have done that morning. The dust makes my eyes water and makes me sneeze badly.

As I walked out of the bathroom dressed in a plain white long sleeves, and black sweatpants, I gaze on a blue paper bag on top of our bed.

That's right, he said he left a gift. I really forgot about that.

I sat on the bed and reached for the blue bag sitting here

There is a written message on the gift. This handwriting, definitely Atsu's... with ugly strokes.

I chuckled


"Baby, once you opened this gift, give me a call.

I love you


Like I'm gonna do that... I know he's kinda busy finalizing this deal... I don't want to disturb him anyway.

Confused, I opened the pretty decorated bag to see bunch of papers clumped together inside a long white folder.

My eyes widen as I started browsing inside the folder. My grip tightened.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number out of.... bewilderment, I guess...

Suddenly I forgot that he's in a middle of a meeting.

"Hey.. I guess you open-"

"IS THIS... IS THIS FOR REAL?!?" I asked almost crying now.

"Yes, Omi.. For real. Happy Anniversary Babe. I'm on my way home now. See you in less than 15 minutes. I love you."

"WAIT... I MEAN REALLY?!?" I gasped

"Of course... Omi... Oh hey, Tobio-kun, thanks for attending the meeting.. Sorry about that.. Where am I again? Oh yeah! Omi... I hope you like it."

"OF COURSE!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AND HUG YOU, BABY. I love you!" I exclaimed before ending the call.

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