• Excitement •

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I immediately run into the hospital room where Tsumu is

"Good morning, is this Atsumu Sakusa's husband?"

"Yes.. Who is this?"

"This is Officer Sawamura from Tokyo Police Department. Your husband had been involved in a car accident at around 10:35am."

I caressed his face as soon as I sat down on the chair beside the bed.

Tobio-kun was there facing the window and making some calls.

"Ah.. You must be his husband." a young doctor entered the room

"I'm Dr. Hajime Iwaizumi..."

"I am his husband.. I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi." I replied

I faced him as he stood beside the bed.

"He got some concussion and bruises, but there's no major injuries found during the tests. But still, we'll be conducting the CT Scan around this afternoon."

"That's great news... Thank you so much, Dr. Iwa-"

"IWA-CHAN! You forgot your-" a chocolate brown haired nurse wearing a bluish scrubs entered the room.

The nurse turns red realizing that everyone turns their heads to him.

"Shut it, Toru! We're in the hospital! How many times do I have to tell you to lower your voice down!? and don't call me that during work!" Dr. Iwaizumi snapped.

"Sorry, Iwa-cha.. I mean Dr. Iwaizumi" the nurse bowed his head and handed the stethoscope to the doctor.

"Go back to your station" the doctor commanded.

The nurse, with pout and sad expression, turns his body away and about to leave the room.. but stopped when
"Thank you, Toru." the doctor said calmly.

The nurse turned his head again to the doctor and smiled sweetly before nodding. 

"Sorry about that, he's just new."

"Is he... your lover?" I asked mindlessly louder than I intend to.

When I realized what I said, the doctor in front of me blushed in bright red... and quickly covered his face with the clipboard he is holding.

"That's too personal, Babe." Atsumu said as he chuckled a little.


"I'm fine..."

The doctor left after a while.

We then heard a knock on the door and enters a black haired muscular guy in police uniform

"Good morning. I'm Sawamura Daichi from Tokyo Police Station."

"You're the one who called earlier, right?"

"Yes Sir. I'm just here file a report on the accident." he politely said as Tobio offered him a seat.

Atsumu crashed on the road cones and bars on his way home.

The reason?

"Omi... I am so excited to get home and I accidentally pressed acceleration instead of breaks... Sorry to trouble you!" he whispered as soon as Sawamura-san left the room.

"You... You get overboard sometimes, ATSUMU!" I glared daggers at him and he pouted cutely.



I sighed.

"Be careful next time, Tsumu. Okay? You worried us... look how stress Tobio-kun right now..."

"I'm sorry, Tobio-kun... Rest assured I'm fine... Nothing to worry about.. You can go-"

"BABE!!!!!! Are you okay?" Shoyo-kun burst inside the room and hugged his boyfriend..

The orange haired boy checked his partner's cheeks, arms, back..
"Atsumu-san is the one who was involved in the accident... Boke... Not me!"

My husband and I just stared at them chuckling.

"You should get married soon, Tobio-kun" I said laughing a little

Both of them blushed and turns  their heads away.

"Like what I'm saying.. You can go home now, Tobio-kun... Omi is here anyway.. Thank you" the blond said calmly.

The young assistant nodded and dragged his boyfriend away.

"You got me so worried, Tsumu... Please.... Be very extra careful, okay?"

"Okay, Love.".

We went home that afternoon as soon as the CT Scan result came.

He's fine. Thank God.

"You should rest, Tsumu." I said as we strode into the bedroom

"But... What about the dinner date?" he replied as he laid his back into the bed.

"I can cancel that..."


"I'll just cook our dinner, okay?"

He smiled but frowned afterwards. He shifted his body and faced the window on the left side of the room, his back facing me.

I sat beside him and leaned forward to kiss him temple.

Stunned, he faced me..

"Tsumu.. I love you..."

He blushed in total red.
"I'll just go downstairs and inform Megumi-san and Samu that you're fine.. Take some rest, okay?"

"I love you, Omi..." my husband whispered before pulling the blanket and fall asleep.

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