Chapter 84 Part - 2

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Chapter dedicated to my dear sis, VikiMitkovska✨✨✨✨

"You said you'd leave Ashton if I came here. I've come as I said and you do what you promised. Leave him out of this," said Aurora firmly.

"Oh c'mon, not so soon. There is someone you've got to meet yet!" he said and smirked.

"I'm not here to meet anyone. Let Ashton go and we'd sort everything out," she said hoping he'd leave him.

"C'mon darling, our impatient guest is here and won't shut her mouth," he said and she turned to see someone walking towards her. Her eyeballs fell out of sockets as she saw who it was. Though it's been many years, she recognized her almost immediately.

"Zira?" she mumbled.

"Missed me? Long time no see! How are you?" she asked, smirking. That smirk irked her to the core.

"I was fine until the very moment. To be precise until I saw you," she spat, making Chris groan and he advanced forward in a blink and grabbed her by her arm in a deadly grip making her flinch at the sudden force.

"You can't talk to my sister like that," he gritted out as he tightened his grip. Aurora's eyes watered up from the pain. She tried wriggling away but went in vain. Before she could say anything, Zira said, "Let her talk all she wants brother, anyway soon she'd be begging for her dear life. So chill out," as he freed her of his grip.

"Are you ready to kiss your life a goodbye along with your dear nephew?" she mocked.

"Why are you doing all this? Are you fucking crazy and why are you involving a kid in your mindless game? What do you even want?" she yelled at her, unable to even think of letting anything happen to Ash.

"Revenge Aurora, revenge. You stole my love from me and so you are here to pay for it. Ah yes, along with your nephew. Simple as that," said Zira nonchalantly.

"He never loved you. He never did! It's been six years you crazy woman and now you want revenge? What the hell is wrong with you," she spat with venom in her voice.

 "He loved me and you bitch stole him from me and you also stole six fucking years of my life and living it like yours. The life you are living is mine! You fucking stole it" she yelled back.

"To begin with, he never loved you. It was always me, it is me and it will always be me. In addition, the only bitch in this story is you. Further more, I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. In conclusion, this life of mine was destined to be mine. I don't have the need to steal from someone as pathetic as you are," she said, losing all the bits of patience she had when Zira did all this for a meaningless revenge.

"It was because of you Zayn left me. You fucking bitch seduced him. Remember the day before prom when you made him your puppet and he yelled at me, almost threatening me? I was terrified and couldn't take the fact he chose you over me. The pain was so bad to the extent I wanted to disappear. The anger I had on you was inflicted on my driving as I hastily drove it with teary eyes and you know what happened next? I met with an accident and spent six years in a coma! Do you now get it? I lost my love and six years of life because of you!" she yelled with teary eyes as she grabbed her arms.

Aurora laughed bitterly as she freed herself from Zira's grip.

"I spoiled your life? Are you sure about that? It was your fault to force someone to love you though you know he never loved you and loved someone else instead. It was your fault that you were obsessed with Zayn. It was your fault that day when you pulled out an irrelevant fight with Zayn. It was your fault that you decided to drive when you were unstable and met with an accident. Every single thing was your fault and yet you are here blaming me for mistakes I've not done. How is that fair?" she asked, calmly. looking straight into her eyes.

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