1. Together

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Jenny's pov:

Wish I could sleep for half more hour but this bitch just won't listen. For last 5 minutes she is rocking my whole body and yelling "wake uuupp". Just, how much energy does she have? Sigh.

"Okay okay I'm up, stop pushing me." I said in sleepy, annoyed voice. Pretty much my everyday routine nowadays. "C'mon Jen, its a big day!" her excited voice puts a little smile in my face which I am trying to hide but she saw that anyway.

"Aren't you a little cutie" she said that in a cutesy voice and started smooshing my cheeks, then gives a random kiss on my forehead, "Wake up or I'll get your lips" she threatens. Honestly, I wouldn't mind but I act tough every time she flirts with me. Because I know she thinks it's just flirting between best friends but she doesn't know how I actually feel, been feeling about her since the very beginning.

"Bitch.." I groaned in a drowsy voice "every fucking day is a big day for you, what is it now?" We call each other names, I do more than her, she is sweet on me, I'm more foul mouthed, but It's fine, our friendship kind of grew that way.

"I got the apartment for us" she winks at me, finally getting my attention. We both have applied for remote jobs, got them and were waiting to move out and live on our own but together. Was looking for this apartment in downtown. 

"You kids want some breakfast?" My mom comes in my room and asked. "Thanks Ms. Tinsley, but we're planning to eat at Finny's" Shaylin answered, Finny's is a café not to far from my place.  "Alright, and.." pointing at me "get her up Shaylin would ya, always sleeping doing nothing." Shaylin gives a smile and says "That's why I'm here, don't worry I got her" Mom shook her head saying "You always do hon" then left.

Shaylin gets up and started hurrying me. But I want something else. "Shay" I spread my hands towards her "come here, 5 more minutes". She knows what that means, I just wanna lay on her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"Jesus you little baby!" I hear her affectionate voice pretending to be annoyed "Fiiine". The moment she laid down I immediately grabbed her like a body pillow and buried my head in her chest. Listening to her heartbeat. 

We're finally getting out of this place! Actually not we, it's me. Shaylin lives in a good neighborhood. I lived my whole life here, a dump of a corner of this city.


I met her first in our school cafeteria back in the freshman year. I was eating my snacks with the hood on like the anti social I am. 

Suddenly a cheerful voice asked "Hey, can I join?" There she was, holding her food tray, looking at me with a bright smile. 

"I don't know, up to you" I said in my boring monotone voice "I'm not really a fun person to sit with I guess" I added.

"I doubt that" She said in a mischievous smile "or at least in my case, cause I saw you were staring at me a while ago."

Wow! This girl got good eyes, she was right though, I WAS staring at her. And how could I not, she looked so beautiful top to bottom, her smile, eyes, body language, I was smitten! 

I don't know what she saw in me that day, but we've become friends right there, and lived on to become the best friends for last 8 years. 

*Flashback ends*

I am getting ready to get some breakfast with Shay. Feeling a happy sensation in my stomach, I'm finally going to have a life with her.

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