50. Love You More

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Shaylin's pov (Next Day):

"You can't be serious!" I almost yelled in the taxi with Jenny. We're almost at the Sunway Paws, the shelter founded by my parents. Apparently Flint, the manager of the shelter, arranged another small party to celebrate my birthday! But since Jenny had planned the whole yesterday, he had to take his arrangement today. 

"Eh, who cares" She joked, then pursed her lips saying "I'm just happy to see the animals again."

"Oh yeah?" I pretended to be angry and started our usual shenanigans, even the driver started laughing at us.  

Trish, one of the volunteers who received us last time, greeted us at the gate. This was special! We got to play with the animals again. Needless to say Jenny had a blast! I loved every moment of it, her goofiness made me laugh so much that I got a stomach ache by lunch. Flint and the shelter crew made a special feast for everyone! Not really surprising that Jenny told him about my birthday, she wanted me to have a double birthday celebration! 
"HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAAYY" That group cheer was hilarious yet heartwarming. Jenny also let Adam, my ex who's almost friends with us, know about it and he arranged another small surprise at the office! What is she doing to me?!! As if the lunch wasn't enough at the shelter, now it's another dinner celebration at the office! 

Among all of this, it's really good to see Jen more socializing with people. She had come a long way, used to be this socially awkward person who surprised me with two days of birthday celebration! I'm so proud of her.

"Not gonna lie.." Adam said "I was kinda surprised when Jenny of all people reached out to me couple days ago with this idea... really came out of her shell didn't she?"

I replied smiling "Not completely, but yeah.." I paused to look at Jen, cheerfully talking to one of her colleagues, "It's heartwarming to see her communicating with others by herself..."
Jenny: "Tired?"

Me: "(shrugged) Not really"

We came home couple hours ago, hanging out on the couch. I put my arms forward and said calmly "Come here." She immediately crawled over to me, kissed and laid her head on my chest, made me chuckle. I kissed on her head, stroked her hair asking "Will you ever grow up?" 

"Mm" She mumbled, shaking her head as a no, made both of us laugh. I snuggling her even more, how can someone be so damn cute?! 

Me: "It's getting cold huh.."

Jenny: "Yeah, we'll have to attend our diploma classes during snow days."

Me: "That'll be kinda fun though.."

She cozied up more and agreed "Mhm". I smooched her head again and said "You know, as much as I beyond appreciate the surprises, I'm also very proud of you." She looked up at me, resting her chin on my chest, asked "Why?" in a childish voice, eyes semi closed in comfort.

I giggled saying "Because you socialized a lot, big improvements..." then smooshed her face. We talked for a while then I asked "Wanna chill in bed?" She looked at me again and nodded, Jesus I can't get enough of her cuteness!

Jen walked into my room while literally hugging me from behind. Sometimes her adorable craving for cuddles is just too much to handle! She even kept hugging me while I made the bed, making me laugh all the way. The moment I turned to her, she dipped her face in my chest, god this girl is killing me! I affectionately stroked her hair. In while she looked up at me, there is a little bit of desire in her eyes, gave me butterflies!

"What?" I asked affectionately, looking at her beautiful eyes...

Jenny's pov:   

I launched another chewing kiss in her chest, the subtle way her tank-top reveals her cleavage makes me thirsty every time. "Mm" She quietly moaned responding to my erratically random kisses. Despite my craziness, this goddess is caressing my cheeks, comforting me while her eyes are closed!

She looked at me, noticed my gaze at her chest. "You just love my boobs don't you?" She asked mischievously, biting her lips. I nodded biting mine. Then kissed in her cleavage again, making chewing noise. "MMhh" She moaned, dropping her head back.

A minute of my unshackled indulgence, then she took off her tank-top and bra, standing topless! I'm glaring her chest to midriff with my mouth open, my shameless gaze is making her breathe heavy. I feel more drawn to that slowly pumping chest, so I stepped closer and grabbed her waist in my hands.

Shay's clutching onto the bed's footboard column, leaning her back against it. She came up with it to control her hands so that I can enjoy playing with her nipples uninterrupted, looking hot as fuck in the process! 

I felt up her waist till cupping her breasts! The back of her head tapped against the column as she closed her eyes anticipating my fingers slowly brushing over to her nipples. 

The moment my indexes landed on nipples, Shay took a deep breath through her mouth. I started playing.. 

"Jenn.." She yelped, bending her head backward against the column, pushing her chest slightly to me. I'm very gently rubbing, flicking, pinching and scraping my nails on her nipples. "Ahh..." Her muffled yet helpless moans are making me wanna enjoy more.. and more! 

But I gotta learn to control myself as well because Shay loves me way too much to interrupt or stop me. So far, I've failed every time. I just go on until I've had enough, and now I'm just playing with those beautiful pink nipples incessantly without any thought! 

The more I played the more her chest pumped with heavy breaths. At some point I played with one while teasing another with my tongue-tip, making her subtly convulse moaning louder. I'm enjoying with my thumbs, index... however I want. 

Shay let me play as long as I felt like it, endured my silly torture even though it's excruciatingly sensual for her... just like always! Then we dove into the bed, didn't take long to strip ourselves completely! 

"Aaa...hh..." Her moans are choking up in extreme passion as I'm exploring her core while taking the liberty to fill my mouth with the blessing that's her breast! Shay's shuddering under me, "Jenn.." her yelping out my name makes me go even crazier! I kept on my domination until she exploded, until I can clearly see the absolute satisfaction in her glistening face!

After resting for a minute, she turned to me. I was already turned on as fuck, her lips venturing in my neck cranked it up even unbearably more while her fingers adventured between my thighs to my core, making me see the cosmic infinity with closed eyes...

We had sex until our last muscle exhausted, took turns on each other until we could breathe love, giving in to the primal desire until the only words in our language left are our moaned out names...
"Wow" Shay whispered breathily. "I know right?" I spoke the same, we're both exhausted, our breathing finally calmed down from panting. 

I hugged her, resting my head on the left side of her chest, there it is, the rhythm! She wrapped her hands around my head as we're whispering..

Shaylin: "Jen?"

Me: "Yeah?"

Shaylin: "I love you"

Me: "I love you too Shay"

She snuggled me for a while, then whispered "I can't wait to fall asleep with you in my chest, can't wait to wake up and see your sleeping face, can't wait spend every moment of my life with you and love you more, much more..." then she smooched on my head and caressed my cheek saying "goodnight babe.."

I speechlessly teared up. A single drop of tear dripped down from my nose on her chest, I subtly wiped it, softly kissed her nipple then went back to listening to her heartbeat closing my eyes. She covered us, then firmly held me against herself with lots.. LOTS of love!  

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