43. Birthday Memories

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Jenny's pov:

*Birthday Flashbacks (Last Year)*

I was preparing to make some morning cocoa and suddenly "HAPPY BIRTHDAAYY.." Shay screamed on the top of her lungs and hugged me from behind, startled me so much that water splashed out of the mug I was holding! I turned just to see Shay's bright eyes shining on me with a big smile! 

"Eh?" My confused voice made her laugh. Mom started to laugh behind us too. "Like.." Shay asked a bit shocked "how do you forget your birthday every- single- year, HOW?"

"Meh.. doesn't feel anything special.." I said that in a straight face but feeling really happy inside and a little surprised. "Well.." I hear Shay's determined tone "I'm here, so we'll celebrate your birthday, you like it or not."

I scoffed, rolled my eyes saying "Fiinee" pretending to be annoyed. "Eeee" Shay's excited like a baby then wished me again and nudged my neck with her nose, that... just brewed a storm in me! I mildly bit my lip to control myself, can't let her know I feel.
Just like my previous birthdays, we had breakfast at my place, lunch at Finny's and dinner back at my place with a cake. Shaylin treated everything, she's just extra sweet on me when it's my birthday.

Right now we're slow dancing in my room to Shay's favorite songs, not my idea. "C'mon bestie" she's laughing at my eye roll "look alive, it's your birthday dance."

I'm pretending hard to look annoyed but enjoying my hand on her waist just too much. "Well, didn't know what to get for your birthday gift.."

Me: "You're here, I don't need any other gift.." 

O..kay, maybe it's because we're dancing, but that sounded romantic to me but also corny as fuck! I was expecting Shay to laugh but she kind of.. melted! "Awww bestiiee" She sounds mushy, then said "you're just too cute" and pecked my lips!

Oof, I know it's just an innocent love language for her bestfriend but every time she does that makes me wanna steam roll my tongue inside her mouth! But oh well...

We've been very slowly dancing for a while, my hands around her waist and hers around my neck. My eyes are closed resting on her shoulder as I'm trying hard NOT to confess right away. "Jen.." I picked up my head as she called me "wanna go tomorrow to..." she stopped, looked at me shocked then yelped "oh my god Jen.. what happened?"

I didn't even realize that there are tears in my eyes. "Nothing" I shook my head. "Babee.." she always calls me babe / baby etc. just another bestfriend love language of hers. 

Shaylin: "Tell me what is it" 

Me: "(wiping tears) Nothing, I'm just emotional that you treated me with such a beautiful day and all.."

She immediately picked up my lying. "You never tell me what's going on" I sense slight frustration in her voice, rightfully so, I've been acting like this since the beginning of our friendship but never explained her why. 

Shay realized by my silence that I still don't want to. She properly wiped my tears and whispered "Okay fine.. just know that you can tell me whatever you want, whenever you feel like.." as if I never heard that a million times before. I know I can tell her anything except my feelings for her. I just don't wanna jeopardize our friendship over my crush.

"Oh, you know what.." She said "if we get the apartment we've applied for, you might feel more comfortable there and.. (shrugs) decide to open up to me someday." I don't why her voice gave me a faint hope "Really?" I asked whimpering. She chuckled, touched my forehead with hers and said in a cutesy voice "Yeah why not, living together in our own place might make you feel different at some point."

Maybe she's right, but I wouldn't bet on it. Don't wanna think about it now, I hugged her tight, resting my head back on her shoulder. "Aw bestie.." She said in an adoring tone "you don't have to say anything if you don't feel like it, sorry if I pressured you.."

Unbelievable! We've been bestfriends for years, she shares everything with me when I never explained this moody secret of mine, she has every right to know and yet she's the one said sorry for asking. This girl just coddles me to no end! "Shay don't say sorry" I whispered immediately, "I'll tell you.. just not now I guess.."

"It's okay.." She said, "forget about it, let's just enjoy our dance.. it's kinda 'romantic' isn't it?" she giggled, made me laugh too. Yeah, she joked about it, but for me, it IS romantic as fuck! She's right, I should just enjoy her company as much as I can. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to confess to her down the road someday.

*Flashbacks end*

Shaylin's pov:

"You know" I said smirking "that dance was pretty much same as our senior prom dance.." I see Jen slowly realizing what I meant, "Oh.." she just realized "kind of, yeah!"  

Me: "That reminds me, I didn't give you a gift that day, but got one for today."

Jenny: "Huh?"

*bzz* My phone rang, "ooh, perfect timing" I said excitedly, dancing my eyebrows at her.

Me: "Hello, yeah yeah that's it, wait I'll buzz you up"

"The gift is here.." I said smiling mysteriously. She's still confused, can't wait for her to see it!

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