52. Never Expected

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Shaylin's pov (Few Days Later):

"Soo, what's the plan today?" I asked smiling while doing the dishes, just ate breakfast. Jen's still hugging me from behind. "Other than annoying you?" She responded like a brat "nothing!" then started to tickle my neck with her face. "Would you stop?" I yelled laughing. "Nope" She shook her head and started to annoy me again. We kept it up for a few more minutes then she finally left me alone. 

I'm pretty much done, would've done much earlier if she hadn't playfully wrestled me for so long. I'm smiling remembering that. Suddenly I heard Jen returned to the kitchen, I scoffed and asked "Jen I'm almost done, don't start now" in a playful tone, turned to her... there're tears in her eyes. "Babe!" I uttered in shock, "what happened?" I asked, immediately rushing to her.

She looked at me terrified, then whimpered "Mom is in the hospital...."
We arrived as soon as possible. Strawport General is the closest hospital to us, luckily a neighbor picked up his phone when Agnes called him, found her out in a bad condition and called the emergency to bring her here. This person knows Jenny since they've been neighbors since she was a child and called her on the way to the hospital. 

We arrived outside of the ER. After 10minutes a doctor came out and asked the neighbor if anyone came and he immediately introduced Jenny. "What happened to her?" Jen asked, there's helpless fear in her voice, tightly clutching my hands.

Jenny's pov:

"A mild stroke" The doctor answered, "Wha.." that baffled me, "a stroke..!?" 

"Can you please follow me inside?" The doctor asked me. We were about to go when he advised "Um, only the daughter please" I looked at Shay, "Hey it's okay" she said caressing my cheeks, "they probably need some info, I'll be right here.." I nodded then followed the doctor.
We've been sitting outside the ER for around 15minutes. They asked me some questions about her age, weight, eating habit, previous health issues etc. then suggested to wait outside. My legs are fidgeting from nervousness, would've been worse if Shay hadn't been massaging them. I didn't even notice that the doctor came out until Shay nudged me. "She's stable now" he told me, "we'll shift her to the cardiac floor to put her under observation..."
"I even saw her earlier in the morning, she looked fine." Ernie said, he is the neighbor who helped mom. We're in the hospital room sitting near her bed. 

Me: "How did you find out what happened?"

Ernie: "We kinda hung out for a while, then I went back to my place. After like half an hour she called me and asked for help, her voice didn't sound right..."

Me: "She called you?"

Ernie: "Yeah on phone, I almost ran in, saw her in the couch, distressed, helped her to settle down on the couch and called the emergency.."

We talked for a while then he left, advised me to call him if needed. I thanked him a million times. Mom has always maintained good relationship with the neighbors, guess it paid off. She's sleeping now. "It's okay babe" Shay said noticing my stressed out expression "doctors said that she's out of danger, now just needs to rest and recover, okay?"

I nodded, sat there holding her hands. Of all the people, I've never expected mom to see like this because to me she's always been the definition of strength... I'm just relieved that she's okay.

Shaylin's pov:

"No, you're still weak.." I sternly told Agnes, she already wants to be released from the hospital. "Ah you girls..." she spoke in a weak voice "I'll be fine.." then smiled, woke up a while ago. "Mhmm sure.." I responded in a sarcastic tone, "You look super fine" then shook my head. She rolled her eyes chuckling. Jen is quietly sitting beside her, holding her hand. 

"Did you girls eat your meals today?" Agnes asked, Jen nodded. Sigh, guess a mother never changes, even in this condition she's trying to make sure that we ate. 

"Uncle Jerry is coming with the others.." I said.

Agnes: "Seriously? I'm fine, they don't need to come all the way."

Me: "Agnes they're worried about you, we all are."

Another casual eyeroll. This woman thinks that she's invincible doesn't she? Jen is still quiet. Agnes pressed her hand and said "Jenny.." Jen looked at her "I'm fine kid, don't worry" she reassured her, still in a weak voice. All Jen managed to utter "Ok.."

I looked at her, she might become a total baby in my arms all the time, but I respect how she manages to keep herself strong at times like this. Maybe she got it from her mother.

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