47. Little Dreams

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Jenny's pov (Two Days Later):

"Alright.." I said, exhaled a nervous blow "we're here". I'm standing in front of the entrance of Strawport's only college. Shay's holding my hand, she's a bit nervous too. "Hey" She said looking at me "We'll be fine" then smiled. I smiled at her too, her voice always reassures me.  

We never studied after high school, didn't need to. We decided together that putting our skills in work would be a smart decision financially and we were right! But I always wanted to learn more, so did Shay to some extent. So we had this plan that if we could manage to save enough money for a college degree, we'll continue our study.

We've been researching some of the programs that are offered in this college, communicated with the admission office and finally here to enroll for the fall term.

Shay slightly pulled my hand and said "Let's go inside..."
*At mom's place*

"Why diploma?" Mom asked in confusion. "The courses I saw in that program, are enough for me" I replied shrugging. 

Mom: "But didn't you like, want to study in a big program or something?"

Shaylin: "I know right?"

Shay's also confused. After we were done at the admission, she's been confused the whole way. I kind of tried to deflect it "Well, you registered for a diploma too..."

Shaylin: "Yeah, it's graphics, they'll teach to use some high end apps, but that's pretty much it, in the end it's all about my creativity..."

She sure sounds annoyed, "but you could learn much more from a 3year program couldn't you?" Well yeah but I stuck to my point "Meh, why waste time if this one year diploma got the courses I needed..". 

Shay sat there for a few seconds then letting it go saying "Oh well, either way it's gonna be hectic, work and study, whew!" I agreed. We talked for a while then she went to the kitchen to make some lunch for us. 

Mom stayed silent for a few moments then said "Listen kid, you're a grown up now, make your own decisions, but the only advice I'll give that since you had already enrolled for it, make the best out of it." I nodded, that's my intention too. After a while I joined Shay in the kitchen to help, it's kind of a celebratory lunch today. 
Mom congratulated us again for wanting to study more then said goodbye. We'll go to Shay's aunt's home to let her know about it as well.

Shaylin's pov:

After coming back from Aunt Greta's place before evening, we've been working nonstop, taking only the dinner break. 

I'm finally done, came into her room to see her fully concentrated in her work. There are lego pieces scattered on the floor. Jen sometimes play video games or with lego in between work to regain the focus and make a mess later.

"It's okay, I'll clean them up later" She mumbled looking at the screen. I sighed saying "I got this, you work" then shook my head. 
We're in my bed, Jen's bed is messy with clothes. "You don't even have that many and still forget about laundry, how?" I asked annoyed, holding her head on my chest. She's grabbing me like a body pillow, listening to my heartbeat. "You don't even let me do laundry sometimes" Jen also sounded a bit annoyed.. 

Me: "Oh it's my fault now? Bitch you would've run out clothes to wear if I hadn't done them."

Jenny: "Eh, in that case I'll wear yours.."

She chuckled, I did too then playfully tapped on her cheek like a disciplining slap. "And what about the lego? You always forget to clean them up.." I complained again.

She yelled back "You don't even wait for me to finish up working.." We're arguing while she's in my chest, I should let her be more responsible but I just can't help spoiling her like this.

"Do you think it's gonna be too difficult?" She asked, still listening to my heartbeat, eyes closed. 

Me: "You mean studying and working?"

Jenny: "Yeah.."

I kissed on her head and said "I think we'll manage, it'll be difficult to find time for ourselves, but these are just a year long programs, we just need to grind through."

I had to sound confident because I know Jen's always depending on me for positivity. "Besides.." I continued "these are our little dreams aren't they? We'll feel happy when we're finally complete these programs, get the educations, right?"

"Yeah, true" She sounds a bit cheerful, hugged me tighter. I scoffed, her cuteness just melts me every time. No matter what, I always end up comforting her, I love to.

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