70. Fulfilling Lives

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Shaylin's pov:

I'm so glad that we decided to visit the shelter yesterday. Flint called me in the morning today and informed that... well, Deedee was put to sleep! 

There's an animal graveyard near the shelter, they buried her there. Jen and I attended and mourned with everyone else. Trish broke down during the burial, poor girl really loved that dog. 

Now we're back in Sunway Paws. "You know" Jen said "I think I saw Annie at the burial." 

Me: "Annie? As in Bakefit cakeshop's Annie?"

Jenny: "Yeah, she stayed close to Trish."

Me: "Oh, I didn't notice.."

While we were talking, Flint walked up to us. "How's Trish?" I asked. 

Flint: "Still mourning in my office... We all loved Deedee but Trish had the best relationship with her." 

He then reassured "She'll be okay, she's just too attached with the animals here." As we're talking, Trish came out with Annie. She was received by some other volunteers and Annie walked up to us, exchanging greetings.

Jenny: "Small world huh? (smiles) If it's okay to ask, how do you know Trish?"

Annie: "Oh right, we're from the same highschool"

Me/Jenny: "Oh"/"Oh really?"

Annie: "Yeah, she also shared about your (at me) connection with the shelter not too long ago... small world indeed.."

While we were talking, Flint stood in the middle of the room, reqesting everyone's attention, giving a speech - 

"As we all know, our oldest angel Deedee, was put to sleep this morning. She was loved by all of us, VERY much.."
**He looked at Trish who smiled gratefully at him**

"Deedee has been with us for almost 18years! Helping us to habituate a lot of other cats and dogs who were later adopted, been like a mother to the animals that stayed.."
**When he said 18years I was really surprised! She lived a long life!**

"Not only we teach these animals to socialize, we learn from them too. I also personally learned from Deedee.."
**During his speech everyone was listening to him attentively, Annie's holding on to Trish just like Jenny's holding on to me**

"She fulfilled not only our lives with love and joy, but also the lives of the animals here, unconditionally... so I learned from her that, one of the biggest purposes of life is to fulfill the lives of others"
**The volunteers subtly nodded to that notion in respect, along with Jenny and I**

"She passed away as a natural cycle of life, but left a lot of sweet, funny and loving memories. We'll hold on to those precious memories and keep working to make our shelter a safe haven for the animals of this city... I see a group of extraordinary volunteers and well wishers here today, your relentlless effort made what Sunway Paws the shelter it is today, and also your contribution to it's improvement.."
**He looked at me, I nodded at him smiling**

"Let's share a dream where we will be able to help any animal in need, so that every one of them are loved like our Deedee to live a beautiful life as they deserve."

That.. was a beautiful speech! No wonder Flint is so respected as a leader here. I can see my parents made a right decision when they hired him in this shelter.
"Wait, are you serious?" I asked in shock, me and Jenny are in Flint's office. He just shared that he'll leave Sunway Paws! "But why?" I asked, Jen is listening curiously too. 

"Ah.." He scoffed smiling, then replied "I'm opening a veterinary clinic, I'll be managing it. It'll become too much to manage both." 

Jen and I looked at each other, then looked at him. He started to explain "The only vet clinic is at the southern edge of Strawport... now that most strays are coming to this city, and thanks to your (at me) generous donation, the other shelters are going to be no-kill again, I reckoned by now we should have another clinic, it'll be befinicial for the shelters and the pet owners too, they'll be more encouraged to adopt..."

Makes sense. "But what about Sunway Paws?" I asked.

Flint: "(smiling) I've led it long enough, and taught the team well, I think it's time someone new takes charge."

Jenny: "Do you have anyone in mind?"

Flint: "Yep, I'm thinking about Trish to be in charge, she might be one of the younger volunteers but her expertise, passion and love for the animals give me confidence. I've consulted with some of our older members and they all agree. But Shaylin, since this shelter is your legacy, I wanted you to know as well." 

Me: "(thought for a second) Well, Flint If you think this is the right thing to do then I trust your decision completely, and I do believe Trish'll do a great job."

Flint: "(smiling) Thanks for the support, it means a lot."

Me: "(nodding) Of course"

Jenny: "Does Trish know?"

Flint: "Uuh, not yet, but soon she will be, she was busy with Deedee lately so I didn't really get the chance to talk about something this big... but she knows about the new clinic so I'll tell her very soon."

We stayed there for a few minutes, wished him the best for his future endeavors then came out to say goodbye to everyone, especially to Trish, Annie was there so we got to say goodbye to her too.
"Flint is a really wise man!" Jen exclaimed, we're in a taxi, on our way to home. "Yeah, he really know how to manage everything, very perceptive and logical, I hope Trish will pick it up." Jen smiled saying "I'm sure she will." then put her head on my shoulder holding my arm.

Flint's words taught us something, one of the purposes of life truly IS to fulfill the lives of others. And I'm really humbled and happy to able to contribute in that fulfillment.

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