58. Last Wishes

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Jenny's pov (Next Day):

"Did you guys see any symptoms of sickess all this time?" I asked. "Not really" Uncle Jerry replied shaking his head, he came to Strawport with us. Annie came with us too, she left for the cakeshop a while ago. Before leaving she showed a lot of love and condolences again. I'm glad we're friends with her.

Uncle Jerry: "Never had I ever imagined she would.. have a heart attack like that! Sis visited there frequently, sometimes mentioning discomfort but nothing serious, if anything she always looked happy because you two visited there more."

He meant me and Shay. Now that he mentioned, I realized it too. Mom was really happy and upbeat the past few months. She was so proud of us for getting promotions, studies etc. and mostly because of the time we spend together in our hometown, in our own home. 

Shaylin: "There were a lot of people yesterday."

Uncle Jerry: "Yeah, Agnes was venerated in the town! She helped a lot of people, sold her ancetral lands to pay for tuition, hospital bills, housing loans, wedding etc. for many folks."

Shaylin and I shared a surprised look! Not only she was a strong woman, but also an extremely kind person! I looked down smiling, wish I could see her know, I'd have let her known how much I'm proud to be her daughter.

The doorbell rang. I went out to answer. Right now we're at mom's place. "Miss Tinsley?" A man asked, standing at the door. "Yeah?" I answered hesitantly. "It's okay kid, he's your mom's lawyer" Uncle Jerry said, he was standing beside me. That confused me, a lawyer?

Turns out, mom hired him to will all her possessions to me after her death. I never imagined that she would plan this far ahead. Among all the paperwork, the lawyer handed me a key to the bottom drawer of the nightstand in mom's bedroom. Apparently she fancifully willed a letter for me and Shaylin. 

That got both of us curious. We entered the bedroom and I opened the drawer. The only thing there is a folded paper, probably the letter. There are two $10 bills tucked in there. I unfolded the letter, it's addressed to both Shay and I. We started to read:

My dear girls,

If you're reading it, then I'm probably no more. I wanted to tell you kids something that I couldn't bring myself to tell before:

To Shaylin: I always knew that you're a blessing on Jenny's life. But I realized that you're a blessing on mine too. You're the only person who loved my kid way more than I ever could! You helped her to get over the scarring past and helped us to build a new future. Because of you I could see my daughter genuinely happy. I wish I could tell you how much I appreciate you. You're the kindest person I've ever known. As a parent, I'll tell you one thing, your parents are extremely proud of you wherever they are.

To Jenny: Kid, you're the best child a mother could ask for. You had to grow up in such a young age. I've never told you how much I loved you or care about you. But you never complained, never asked for anything. How could a clumsy fool like me ended up being the mother of such angel? Baby, I may never had told you myself, but know that your boring mother always loved you, and will keep loving you from the beyond. 

Now to both of you, your relationship is the best thing I've ever seen. I'm so happy that I could finally live a life I've always wanted. I loved every moment with you two and my family in my hometown. Thank you for gifting me with such happy times. I adore you girls, I don't know if I could be there to see your relationship flourish even more, but if I don't, know that my utmost blessings are with you. Never lose the sight of what you two have. I love you both with all my heart. Live a long and happy life together, be kind to others, to each other and to yourselves.

ps: I left the two $10 bills with this letter, my last coffee treat for you two. 
Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I looked at Shay, she's bawling her eyes out too. "Even after death..." Shay said in a broken voice "she's looking after us." I put down the letter on the nightstand, then we just broke down into each other's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. In a minute Uncle Jerry sat down on his knees, wrapping his arms around both of us, also crying.

Mom's last wishes were for me to have a happy life. Is that what it means to be a mother? In that case, I never had any complaint, mom always protected me, provided for me. She may never said 'I love you' but she never had to. I always felt it, consciously and subconsciously. And I'll always cherish that feeling in my heart. Rest well mom and don't worry, your kid is in good hands.

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