24. This Tension

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Jenny's pov:

"That.. tasted extra good!" Shaylin said satisfyingly. She is right though, that Chickerolla was something else. "But now the main attraction" I said. "Here ma'am" I pushed Bakefit's box towards her.

Shaylin: "Why thank you"

She opened the box.

Shaylin: "Whoa! Is this..."

Me: "A 10 pound black forest chocolate cake" (smug smile)

She laughed at me and said "We can't eat this much". 

"I mean, not now" I said shrugging" we'll keep it in the fridge and eat later whenever we want".

Then I handed Shay the plastic cake knife came with it, "Here, Do the honor, it's for you after all... also" I said in a derpy voice "I'm bad at this, so better you do it" then started scratching my head like an idiot.

Shay started laughing at me, then cut the first slice. She let me take the first bit then took herself, "MMhhh" we moaned at the same time, "this is SO good!" she said, I'm also surprised how delicious it is. We couldn't resist and both ate two slices each.

After leaving the dishes in the kitchen and the cake in the fridge, we're back at the table, just talking. Actually she is talking, I'm just staring at her. She noticed me and stopped, "What?" asked smiling. I shook my head sideways gesturing nothing.

One thing I got curious about that she still has this dress. When we were discussing couple days ago about it she didn't mention of still having it. 

Me: "Hey Shay?"

Shaylin: "Yeah?"

Me: "Have you been like... keeping this dress all this time?"

Shaylin pursed her lips in a killer smile then nodded mischievously. I gaped in surprise.

Me: "Why?"

Shaylin: "I don't know... you liked it so damn much back then, I wanted to, like, randomly wear it one day and surprise you."

Then she chuckled, "Had I known back then that you have feelings for me.... " she stopped, suddenly realized something.

Me: "Something wrong?"

Shaylin: "No no nothing wrong, um.. you did have feelings for me... and um (blushing smile) you saw me in this dress..."

Oh boy, what is she trying to ask? "Did you like..." She continues, looking away, "fantasize.. about me after?" I saw a subtle lip bite, Jesus that was hot as fuck!

Hell yeah I did, whenever I was alone, even after moving in here! All I could think about was her in that dress! But I can't answer now.

My guilty smile gave it away, she covered her lips with her fingers, leaning on her elbow on the table, blushing like crazy. "Okay okay" She spoke up, voice is a bit choked up "lets talk about something else." I immediately nodded. We took a few seconds to get it together.

Shaylin: "You know, you're pulling this fit pretty damn well"

Me: "(scoff) I put together whatever I had, you told me to go with my guts"

Shaylin: "Well, you got good instincts then I guess (mischievous smile)"

She checked me out quickly. I blushed a bit, then said "Wish I had more options". Shay lowkey yelled "it's cause you don't shop at ALL".

"Ok..." I protested "I don't even know how to". She gives a disappointed look then started to talk "How about the next time we go to the mall...." she keeps talking. But again, I'm not listening, just staring at her.

Every miniscule movement she makes, her hand gestures, swaying hair from her face, blinking, the elegant sitting posture, everything is just bewitching me! My eyes are uncontrollably hovering across her body. I automatically gulped in thirst, gazing at her incredibly sexy midriff!

"Jen?" Her voice jerked me back into reality. I looked at her disoriented "I..I.." I'm stuttering.

Shay saw me ogling her midriff, pursed her lips tight, holding off an intense blush!

We sat there for a few seconds, then she spoke up in a shaky voice trying to sound normal "Well, it's been the best date ever" laughs nervously "the arrangement, the food and especially the dessert..."

I sat straight in anticipation, interrupting her "Is the date, like... over?" She is facing down, smiling. Then she looked the other way and said in a deep voice "It won't if you don't want it to."

That voice, god that voice! I need to say it. "Shay" I spoke up, she looked at me "you look...(heavy breath) you look really hot..."

Her eyes widened, her lips shook slightly, I can tell it hit a nerve. Then she suddenly brushed her thumb on my cheek and complimented back "So do you..."

Damn, this silence is increasing the sexual tension by tenfold! She finally whispered "Hey, wanna hang out at the balcony?" I nodded like a puppet. We both got up to go to the balcony. She took a few steps then turned around, seeing me standing still, staring at her!

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